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Elena's POV

Jen walked into the kitchen and I immediately sensed her worry.

"Grayson did you know some one is moving in a couple houses down" Jen said, her voice was laced with concern.

"What?" Grayson turned around to face Jen.

"Look" she grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the window and I followed.

We all used our wolf senses and picked up that he was a werewolf, I saw Grayson's eyes begin to glow.

"Why are your eyes glowing?" I asked said as I looked up at him.

"Wolves are very territorial" Grayson said with out looking away from the stranger.

"Do you guys sense the vibes he's giving off? My wolf is on edge right now" Jen asked, also not looking away from the stranger.

"Yeah" Grayson narrowed his eyes at him.

I didn't feel anything, maybe it's just because I don't know how to use my wolf senses to their full ability yet.

"I think we should welcome our new neighbor" Grayson said, but their was a way he said it made my wolf get on edge because she could sense the distrust Gray's wolf had towards the stranger.

"Agreed" Jen said as she slipped on her slides.

I put on my slides as well and Grayson slipped on his white vans. We were all in joggers and hoodies since it was cold out, but apparently the stranger didn't need it sense he was in a muscle tee. We did live in Oregon where it was like 30 degrees outside.

Jen was on one side and Grayson was on the other as we started walking down the street towards his house. I could sense the worry rolling off of Grayson, so I laced my hand in his. She looked down at me and smiled, I smiled back sheepishly. He gave my hand a small squeeze and looked back towards the street. We walked up to the open end of the movers truck and Jen called into it.


"Hi!" A blond hair and blue eyed boy walked out with his hands full of boxes.

"Want some help?" I said as I stepped forward, he couldn't see me because of the boxes.

"Actually yes" he said sheepishly.

He handed me some boxes and his hand grazed mine. His touch felt cold, it felt like Nash's touch. I felt my body clench up, I suddenly wanted to just be home. Grayson and Jen grabbed some boxes and we set them by the living room of his house since the door was wide open.

I dusted my hands off and looked up at him. His eyes were bright blue and they locked with my eyes. My breath hitched in my throat and he looked me up and down. I was very uncomfortable and locked hands with Grayson again, standing slightly behind him. I looked up at Grayson and saw that him and the stranger had their eyes locked and both of them had their eyes glowing.

"Okay let's cut the shit" Grayson said.

"I am the alpha of the pack here in Astoria so you are entering my territory." Grayson exclaimed.

"I should care why...?" the stranger said sarcastically.

Grayson was about to speak when he cut him off.

"What about the female you have here" the stranger said as he eyed me again, I walked out from behind Grayson and made eye contact with him.

His eyes started glowing as he realized that I was a dominant.

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