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Elena's POV

I woke up with a grunt, I had a terrible headache and it took me a second to recognize my surroundings.

I was in my Apartment in Oregon, nothing new. I sighed and closed my eyes, then a wave of morning sickness hit me.

Shit I forgot I was pregnant.

I ran into the bathroom and threw up what ever I had eaten last night, I don't remember what I did for some reason.

You made a dumb decision last night.

My subconscious began talking to me. What the hell did I do? I didn't get drunk right because I am pregnant.

I can't tell you. But I can tell you that you are stupid.

What the fuck did I do?

You lost something very precious.

This was a different voice, my wolf talking.  Was it my brothers bracelet? I checked my wrist and the friendship bracelet I had made for him was still there.

Never mind.

Your not helpful subconscious and wolf.

But I didn't get a response back.

As I thought about it, something did feel...missing.

Grayson's POV

I was woken up by a very annoying Jen and Ethan.

"Time to wake up sleepy head" they said in a very prissy tone.

I have no idea why, but I felt so angry today. I did have a nightmare about the night Bailey died. There was also another girl in the dream, I didn't recognize her but she was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

I groaned and got out of my bed, just to shove the two laughing idiots out of my room. I slammed the door and locked it, flopping back onto my bed.

It didn't take me long to fall back asleep.

I was running through the forest. My fur was rippling as the cool air rushed through it. My serenity was here. The forest was quiet and completely still.

As I was running I felt something knock my feet out from under me. I recovered from my fall, which didn't hurt, to find a beautiful white wolf prancing around.

I yipped and her glowing green eyes turned and pierced mine.

I was frozen on the forest floor looking at her. Who was she? My wolf recognized her, but the man didn't. My wolf told me to go to her, I felt a string pulling me towards her.

But as I go to get up, she runs off into the forest, disappearing into the abyss of my dream.

I awoke again and looked at my clock, I had slept for another 2 hours.

It only felt like minutes to me. I get out of bed and begin my day as normal.

The dream had already left my mind.

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