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When I woke up, I was laying on Grayson's chest and he was still fast asleep. He is so beautiful, and looked so peaceful. I ran my fingers through his hair, it was so soft I could sit here playing with it all day. He loved when I played with his hair, he said my nails made it feel good. He still didn't wake up, so I sat up and laid a feather light kiss on his lips. I held it for a moment, and when I went to pull away his hand raised up and he put it on the nape of my neck, pulling me back to him. I kissed him back immediately and the kiss began to get more passionate. His tongue grazed my bottom lip, seeking entrance. I opened my mouth and felt him explore it. He sat up and pulled me up on his lap so I was facing him. His hand went around to my back and up my shirt. He started drawing small circles on my back, making me shiver. I started peppering kisses down his jawline and down his neck, he let out a small moan and pulled me closer. I started sucking on his neck lightly, leaving behind light purple marks on his collarbone. I made my way back up his neck and back on his lips and continued to make out with him. His hand slid around to the base of my back and into my pants, gripping my butt lightly. I let out a small moan and kissed him harder. He pulled his hand out of my pants and cupped my butt with both hands and stood up while holding me. He lifted to me onto his dresser and pinned me against the wall.

"Time to wake up love bird-" Jen said as she walked into Grayson's room, she froze when she saw us.

"ETHAN GET IN HERE AND SEE THIS" she yelled behind her.

I heard thumping  of foot steps and Ethan appeared in the room, he covered his mouth as he attempted to cover his laughter. My face flushed and I tucked it into Grayson's neck to hid myself. Grayson eyes were glowing as he was pissed off to be interrupted.

"Do you mind?" Grayson growled out

"Actually I don't mind, please keep going" Jen said as she leaned against the doorway.

Ethan snorted and give Jen a look I had never seen him give her, I noted to inspect that later.

"Oh wait let me go get my cam recorder, we might as well make some money on this" Ethan said as he pretending to get a cam to record us with.

Jen let out a snort of laughter and fist bumped Ethan. I rolled my eyes and flipped them off.

"Ethan would you oh so kindly take your sidekick and give us some privacy" Grayson said sarcastically.

"Right on boss" Ethan winked and threw Jen over his shoulder. She let out a sequel and they disappeared from the doorway. I could hear Jen whining about why she had to be robin. I giggled and turned my attention back to Grayson. He was pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration but he was smiling at me.

"What are you smiling at?"

"Just my idiot brother and your idiot best friend"

I laughed at him and gave him a small kiss, I would have kept going, but batman and robin killed the mood. Grayson lifted me off the dresser and followed me out of his room, smacking my butt in the process.

I'm gonna have a little fun

I had my spandex on and a crop top, so I know I looked good. I had a small swing to my hips, and I felt Grayson right behind me. I "accidentally" dropped my phone and bent down right in front of him, he bumped into me and I looked up at him with a pouty face.

"Oops" I said innocently

He glared at me and bit his lip, he knew exactly what I was playing at. I smiled at him and kept walked down the hallway with my hips swinging.

Suddenly he was in front and pinned me against the wall by my wrist.

"Keep this up and see what happens" he said seductively and nipped my ear. A shiver went down my spine and I scrunched my eyebrows at him, making it seem as if I had no idea what he was talking about.

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