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I heard a husky voice calling my name, but I couldn't open my eyes, I didn't have the strength. I began to get aware of my surroundings and felt very cold. I was laying down on a bed, the air smelled of sickness and death.

I'm at a hospital.

"Elena, baby try to open your eyes" I heard the deep voice say again.

A warm hand intertwined its self with my limp one and I felt comfort and strength roll through me.

I opened my eyes slowly and they were met by two hazel-green ones full of worry. But the face I recognized as Grayson relaxed immediately and I smiled at him.

"Thank god" he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

In that moment, all of the memories rolled back in and I remembered about the baby.

"Grayson the baby!-"

"She, she's okay" Grayson coed to me.

"She?" Is he assuming it's a girl?

"Oh oops, so if you don't remember, after the mutant wolf tried attacking you, you had a panic a attack and shut down. But the doctor said that you can't stress as much, you could miscarriage. But when they looked at the baby with the ultrasound, they told us its a girl" Grayson had a huge smile on his face and I broke out in a grin as well.

"Grayson, I'm- were having a baby girl!" I corrected myself.

"I know Luna! This little child is our baby girl" he laid a hand on my stomach and rubbed his thumb affectionately.

"Gray" I said quietly, Grayson looked up at me.

"The mutant thing, i-it's human"

I could tell Grayson wasn't buying what I was saying.

"Listen, it was its eyes, last time I saw them they were red, this time they were brown, like a human." I pleaded.

"Look" I closed my eyes and replaying the events from last night in my mind, since I know Grayson could see that.

"I think the human part is probably to gone to be able to phase back." He said to me.

I ran a hand through my hair with a huff and then laid it on my stomach. I felt the small kick of my baby girl.

The door suddenly opened and a very panicky Jackie burst in.

"Alpha! There are more wolves! We found them, b-but they are going crazy and we can't control them" she was breathless and I immediately wanted to get out of this hospital and help this pack. Grayson got up and began to walk towards Jackie.

"Grayson wait!" I stood up from the hospital bed and started to walk towards him, "im coming to help"

"No Elena stay, you don't need to stress yourself out any more" he blocked the path out of the hospital door.

"Grayson im not letting you do this by yourself, your a powerful alpha but you need me! I'm healed okay Grayson!" I tried to lower my voice realizing how loud I got, I was sick of Grayson sheltering me.

"Alright fine" Grayson speed walked out of the room and I followed him, Jackie right in front of him.


"Holy Fuck" was the only words that came out of my mouth when we got to the scene in the forest that looked like a horror movie.

Grayson gripped my hand tighter as we slowly walked over.

There was around 10 teens that were snarling around. The scary part was that they had no control, so some were half phased and others had their claws going in and out.

It was a mess.

"EVERYONE STOP NOW!" Grayson's voice boomed over everyone and his power rolled off of him in a huge wave. Everyone except me and Grayson fell to their knees.

The new werewolves froze and the sudden science made my ears ring.

"PHASE BACK TO HUMAN FORM" Grayson yelled again.

Without any choice in the matter, the teens bodies morphed into human skins and they all looked terrified.

"Okay" Grayson took a deep breath and I felt his stress in his mind.

I got this babe, I told him in my heads. He gave me a small smile and I saw a pleading in his eyes.

I unlatched myself from Grayson and took a step towards them, and they took a step back.

"Everyone take a seat in front of me" I put a little power in that words and they all slowly sat down in front of me.

They were all uneasy looking at each other, no one trusting anyone. I took a deep breath and got the memory of when Grayson found me coming back into my mind.

"Okay...everything you know about what's real and what isn't is a lie"

And it began.


Sorry about the short chapter... WHATS GOOD 4K READS ILY GUYS!!!!

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- Mel🌱

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