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It had been 3 hours since the fight. Erika decided to just go home, which was probably a good decision. I realized that Jen and Jackie are definitely my new best friends. They were hilarious. They both used to live in Texas, but once they found out they were wolves, they moved here to Oregon. They had sat attitudes, but I could tell they were softies, while still being hard-asses.

"Alright I think imma head home chika's" Jen announced. I got sad, I wasnt ready to stop the fun yet.

"But Jackie and Elena are welcome to come over for a girls night!" Jen added, seeing the look on my face.

"Sounds like a plan" I say, starting to stand up.

"Wait can I come to??" Ethan whined.

"Ethan, there is I reason I said just Jackie and Elena. It's GIRLS night remember?" Jen said sarcastically.

"I guess I can stay home..." Ethan said, slumping his head to his chest, pretending to be sad.

We all laughed and started heading to the door. I remembered I was still wearing Grayson's clothes, so I told Jen and Jackie I will meet them there. I walked towards Grayson's room, the door was open, so I just walked in. He wasn't in the room, but I heard the shower going in the connected bathroom. Boys don't ever shower long, so I just laid down on his bed, waiting for him to be done.

I was almost asleep when the water suddenly stopped. Finally I thought to myself. Oh god I hope he isn't naked, well it won't be that bad if he was... get your head out of the gutter Elena. The bathroom door opened and out walked a semi-wet Grayson with a towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes wandered down to his is sculpted torso. I admired his veiny biceps and toned back.

"Oh Elena! Didn't see you there." Grayson said in surprise. I stood upright on the bed and flushed, just because all he was in was a towel.

"just give me a sec" he said as he grabbed some adidas joggers boxers, than ran into the bathroom.

He was only in there for 30 seconds when he came back out. He walked over and sat down on his bed next to me.

"So what's up?", he asked as he tried to fix his wet and messy hair that some how still looked gorgeous.

"I was just wondering if I could keep these clothes tonight, just until I get my clothes from Jens house" I told him.

"Yah that's fine", he told me.

"Alright", I said. I looked him in the eyes again, good I want him so bad, what is he waiting for? I had to bite my lip to stop myself from kissing him. He eyes glowed at me, for I had eye contact, challenging him.

"You know if you keep challenging me Im going to have to put you in your place", Grayson challenged me.

"Oh we will see about that" I snarled back playfully.

His eyes glowed even brighter at the sass I was giving him. He stood up and towered over me. I was slightly imitated, but I kept my eye contact, trying not to let him notice that.

"Whatchya gonna do Gray?" I said in a challenging tone.

"This" he said. In one swift moment, he scooped me up in his arms and threw me on the bed. Before he could continue I flopped onto all fours and got down as if I was stalking him. He mimiked me on the bed. We were at a stand still when he pounced on me. We were both still on all fours, so I slid under him and pushed him up in the air, causing him to flip over.

I took this opportunity to jump on top of him, pinning him down. I had my butt on his abs, and my hands holding him down by his wrist. I smirked at him and said,

"Whatchya gonna do now oh-so-powerful alpha". I made sure to use as much sass as possible.

"Well it depends she-wolf" he said.

"Depends on what?" I asked.

"If your ticklish or not". He said this and used the moment of distraction to flip me over. He was on top of me, but he had his weight propped up on one elbow. He started ticking the shit out of me, and I laughed so hard that I almost peed my pants.

"Grayson Grayson stop omg Im going to pee my pants stop!" I spit these words out in between laughs.

He relented and was laughing as well. He was still on top of me, his face inches from mine. I wanted to kiss him so bad. I looked back up at him, he was looking right at me, his eyes had a slight glow to them, I think this means that his wolf was possessive of me, because my wolf does the same when I see Grayson.

I bit my lip as I looked at him, the tension of me waiting for him to kiss me was eating me from the inside. I was so close, just do it Grayson, I pleaded in my head. He started to lean in closer, my heart was beating out of my chest. Just claim him already my wolf pleaded.

His lips were just an inch from mine. COME ON GRAYSON I screamed in my head. But the lips never came. He veered right, he was breathing hard, his breath on my neck sent shivers down my spine. I sighed and laid my head back on the pillow.

"Grayson... why don't you just fucking kiss me already" I whined.

"Elena, you don't understand-" he tried to speak, but I interrupted him.

"Understand what Grayson? There is so much going on with this" I pointed my hand back and forth between me and him " your driving me nuts, seducing me than stopped when I actually want it!" I was pissed now.

Grayson rolled off me and got off the bed and started pacing, he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Elena don't you understand I want you to?! I want to feel your lips on mine, I want to hold you and cherish you! I just can't-"

"You can't what Grayson?!" I was furious now, he wanted me to and he was keeping himself from me.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me with his glowing blue eyes. I wanted to go comfort him, to calm his very pissed of wolf. But I stormed out.


Guys I promise the next chapter will explain Grayson frustrations, sorry to leave on a bad note but I will have the next chapter up in the next day or so! Hope you guys are looking the story so far!!

- Mel🌱

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