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a/n- Doesn't this picture just go so perfect with the title?? Grayson why do you do this to me ughhh ur so gorgeous and yall better be ready for a loooonnnggg ass chapter... its gonna be a good one though I promise. PLZ COMMENT THOUGH OUT THE CHAPTER I WANT O HEAR UR THOUGHTS ON IT THX ILY

Today was the day that I get to meet the rest of the males in our group. I didn't know what emotions I had towards this, I mean, I'm nervous, but I'm  not at the same time. I know that being with Grayson will help, he seems to know exactly how to comfort me at the right time. Me, Grayson, Ethan, and Jen had all slept in the movie room since we were all to tired to go to our beds.

I had my head laying on Grayson's chest, and his hand was still wrapped around my waist. I looked over at Jen and Ethan and froze, Jen was literally laying completely on top of Ethan, she must have rolled on top of him in her sleep, but Ethan had his hand on her lower back, he probably wrapped it around her because of instinct. I fished my phone out of my jacket as i tried to not wake Grayson, and I snapped a picture of them, luckily I got a good one because Jen rolled off of him after that, quiet snores coming from her mouth, but she still laid her head on his shoulder.

I closed my eyes and soaked in the comfort of my cheek on Grayson's bare chest. I listened to his heart beat, it kept a steady ruthenium's as he slept.

Bum-bum bum-bum bum-bum

It was music to my ears, I felt my heart beat match his. I checked my clock and saw that it was 11:37 am. I was going to have to get them up, we had a big day today and we all needed to get ready for tonight.

"Grayson...Baby" I said as I ran my finger down his perfectly sculpted jawline.

He shuffled around for a moment before settling back into sleep.
I moaned dramatically.

"I should be the one making you sound like that" Grayson mumbled with his eyes still shut.

"Oh so you finally wake up now that I have given you lots of sexual thoughts" I mocked.

"Baby you always give me sexual thoughts" he winked at me which caused me to flush.

"Hey go wake up Thelma and Louise" I signaled towards the two sleeping beauties next to us.

Grayson groaned, but I gave him a pinch on the back of his arm and he fake gasped.

"Oh my gosh that hurt so bad" He said in fake hurt.

I just rolled my eyes at him and sat up and tried to walk away.

"Wait" he grabbed my waist and pulled me back on top of him.

"Grays-" I was cut off when he smashed his lips on mine.

I immediately kissed him back, but I pulled away when he was really getting into it.

"ughhh elenaaa" he whined.

"Wake them up" I hissed at him.

"Fine" he said and rolled his eyes.

Grayson nudged Ethan and Jen with his foot until they grunted awake. Jen looked at were she was laying and started to blush, I smiled to myself. Grayson followed my to the corner of the room where the rope ladder was, I started climbing up it slowly, that shit is hard to climb. Grayson was right under me, waiting to climb up.

"Sorry Im going so slow" I said sheepishly.

"Oh please take your time, I am enjoying the view down here" I looked down and Grayson smirked and smacking my butt.

"Your an asshat you know" I said rolling my eyes.

"What the fuck is an ass hat" Jen stood behind Grayson, Ethan standing very close behind her.

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