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Grayson P.O.V

This dumbass wolf thinks he killed me.

Nate is holding my throat, but he didn't hit any arteries and I was perfectly fine, but I held my breath so he thought I was dead. I saw Elena get dragged away from Nate, but I couldn't do anything to get her to know I am alive, otherwise Nate will know. This is all part of the plan that me and Ethan made up last minute, I felt bad I couldn't tell her, but if she didn't react the way she did, Nate could have known that I was faking it.

Nate finally released me and waited to see if I would move, but I wasn't going to make a rookie mistake. He raised his head high and let out a victory howl. But I silence his howl when I used everything left in me to lash out and wrap my jaws around his neck. I squeezed and crushed his esophagus until he fell to the ground and held him down, I wasn't going to make the same mistake that he did.

When he was motionless, I put my paw on his heart and felt no heartbeat. I then raised my head and let out all of the energy I had left into that howl, because that means Elena is now mine. As my howl faded, I dropped to the ground in exhaustion and everything faded to black.

Elena's P.O.V

I hadn't eaten at all. I have been at Jen's house and was presently wrapped in a comforter. I couldn't go to the Twins house, or Twin I should say now. With Grayson gone, there was nothing left for me here, I am going to get the hell out of this state the minute I can get myself to get out of bed. I squeezed my eyes shut as I thought about Grayson, his perfect features, his amazing personality, his ability to keep me safe. I had to leave now, Nate was going to come for me at some point, I don't want him, I want my baby back.

I have to run.

I slowly unwrapped my self from my blanket and flopped my legs over the side of my bed. My legs were shaky from not being used in a while and I had to make sure I was steady before I grabbed my army green back pack and started throwing any clothes I could find into the bag. I was shoving some joggers into the back pack when i looked up from my bed and Grayson was standing in front of me.

no he's dead.

I squeezed my eyes and when I opened them he was gone. I kept having hallucinating that he was here, that he was holding me like he used to. I kept shoving more clothes in my bag, then i squeezed in my laptop and phone into what ever room i had left. My pink jacket was handing on the wall so I grabbed it and threw it around my shoulders. I slipped on some black leggings and my high top white converse and started walking to the door of my room.

I looked up and Grayson was in my door way, his eyes were soft and he had on a black V neck and some sweats, different from the last hallucination. I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Your gone Grayson, I have to leave, Please no more HALLUCINATIONS!" I screamed and banged my fist against my head.

"Elena I'm real" Grayson walked towards me laid a hand on my arm.

I flinched and screamed as I looked up at him, I had officially lost my mind. I am seeing ghost now, Jesus Christ I need to get the hell out of here. I fell to the ground and pushed my palms to my for head and started chanting.

"No no your not real your losing your mind Elena he's gone no no"

I opened my eyes and Grayson had now crouched down in front of me. My eyes widened in fear.

"Omg you came back from the dead, the un-dead is alive, no no no I cam never survive the zombie apocholapse oh no" I said as I scooted to the corner, I had to get away from him.

Grayson just let out a boom of laughter that sounded very familiar, I missed it.

"Elena, I never died, I am here in flesh and blood" He slowly scooted towards me until he was right in front of my face.

I reached my hand out and squeezed my eyes shut until it made contact with his cheek, he was warm. Zombies aren't warm. I focused my wolf hearing and could here the steady and oh-so-familiar heartbeat coming from his chest.


"Luna, it was an act to get Nate to expose his neck to me, I faked it and when he was howling, I latched onto his neck, he is dead, and you are mine" He said softly.

I shook my head, I don't believe it. I must be hallucinating even more now, I must be breaking down so much without him that I have created this own little world in my head were Grayson didn't die.

I looked up at him with a void in my heart were he should be. He picked me up and set me on the bed, I let him. Maybe I don't ever have to go back to the reality of him gone.

He pulled me into his lap and his warmness was rolling  off him, his comfort was surrounding me like a blanket. I looked up at his face, he was staring at me.

"I wish you were real" I said as I admired his perfect features.

"I am real Luna" He said as he cupped my hand that was on his cheek, he seemed real, but my brain couldn't process it.

I just stared at him, I didn't want his hallucination to fade away yet, so I have to take in all of him that I can get. He then did the action that had made me realize that I love him. He kissed my forehead, my nose, my eyes, my cheeks, and finally he placed his lips on mine. The second his lips met mine, something in me clicked that he was alive, that he was here with me in the present and my mind didn't construct him. I placed every ounce of passion and need and want that I could in that kiss. Grayson returned every ounce of passion that I gave him.

My baby is back.


Sorry about the short chapter updates guys, I dont have much time to write big chapters so I am doing short ones.

- Mel🌱

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