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"How about Eric?"

I groaned dramatically.

"Jen I don't know what I'm going to name the baby, we don't even know if it's a boy or girl"

"I know I know" Jen said in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out, it just-"

"Because of the hormones? She wolf your I'm pregnant excuse will run out at some point" Jen snickered.

"Okay you know what I would like to see you carry around a whole other life in your stomach too" I sassed with my eyebrows raised.

"I defiantly wouldn't complain as much, mama didn't raise no little bitch" Jen said as she put her hand on her hip.

I was about to shoot a comeback at her when warm hands came around from behind me and I took in the familiar scent of Grayson. Just his presence made my nerves calm down. I looked back up at Jen, but Ethan had appeared and had a hand snaked around Jens waist so she was distracted.

"Are you ladies playing nice?" Ethan asked in a sarcastic tone.

I rolled my eyes and heard the deep rumble of Grayson's laugh behind me.

"I don't know Ethan, it's only a cranky pregnant lady and a girl packed to the top with attitude arguing over baby names" Jen said sarcastically.

I heard Ethan chuckle and I ignored her comment and turned to face Grayson. Stress was written all over his face and I brought my hand up to his face. He sighed as he leaned into my touch, closing his eyes in the process.

I hated seeing him so stressed. We have been trying to gather all of the people getting bitten, we have only been able to find 2, a boy and a girl, they are the same age as us. Grayson has been stressing to his limit, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten any grey hair from this, I mean we are only 20.

"Baby go make some popcorn, let's go watch a movie" I said and gave him reassuring smile."

"Let me take out the trash real quick" he said, walking over to our overflowing trash.

"No I got it Gray, make popcorn!" I shoved him lightly and he laughed at me.

I lifted the heavy trash bag easily and walked outside. Werewolf perks.

The moon shone a beautiful yet eery glow over the woods by our house. I threw the trash bag into the big trash at the end of our drive way and took a deep breath. This whole pregnancy thing really tires you out.

I felt the hairs on my neck creep up, my senses began to tingle. Something is watching me.

I closed my eyes to try and hear anything, but it was difficult because of the pregnancy. I slowly began to turn around and fear was started to pump into my veins.

I closed my eyes when I turned and when I opened them, the huge mutant beast was less then 10 feet away from me. I froze in fear, and in that second the thing lunged towards me.

I was knocked in the head with a giant paw and I fell to the ground with a loud shriek.

Grayson I need Grayson

I flung my fist and punched the wolf in the jaw, but it fazed it for a second and it crawled right in front of me. Its face was a foot from mine and I got a clear view of it now. Saliva dropped from his huge canines. Its fur was as black as night and when I looked at its eyes, I saw not a beast, but a human.

The red I had seen the night it first attacked me was replaced by dark brown eyes.

Oh my god there is a human in there.

The beast rose up and was about to snap his jaws around me.

" I HAVE A BABY!" I screamed in its face, I have to try and trigger the human part of it since I am not able to fight back.

The beast froze and I realized it can understand me.

"ELENA!" I turned and saw Grayson sprinted towards me, the beast turned and took off back into the woods.

I felt the fear once again, this thing left me with night mares and now I have never been closer to it. Grayson wrapped his arms around me and brought me into the house. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Its Okay luna im here" Grayson coed into my ear.

I clung to his t-shirt and tried to calm down.

Can we get it to phase?

Is there even enough human left?

My thoughts were suddenly cut off by a sharp pain in my stomach.

"AGH GRAYSON" I put a hand over my stomach and felt a jolt of pain shoot through it again.

"Elena what's happening? Baby please I need to know what's wrong" Grayson cupped my face to try and get my to look at him, but my stomach got filled with pain again and I couldn't hold myself up.

I got very afraid, I'm only at 18 weeks so I know I'm not giving birth, I don't want this baby to miscarriage.

Grayson my stomach, it hurts so bad. We need to go to the hospital something could be wrong with the baby.

Okay Luna we're going.

I felt myself get swooped up and I tucked my head into the crevasse of Grayson's neck and squeezed my eyes shut, as if I could shut out the pain.

I couldn't hear or see much, I could make out Jen's voice, but I couldn't process anything that she was saying. All I know is that we were suddenly in a car and I tried to look at what was happening, Ethan was driving, Jen was freaking out, and I was in Grayson's arms.

Another wave of pain passed through my stomach and I couldn't take it anymore, I blacked out.

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