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After that run, I was changed. Being around the other wolves was so natural to me, it began to feel like a home. I had been there a week now, not permanently living with Jen or the twins, I would just drift between there houses, I didn't want to be just at one person's place. I loved Jen already, she was the only best friend I have ever had, but sometimes her attitude was over whelming, so I would then go over to the twins house.

Im not gonna lie, being a werewolf was awesome, but somethings were hard. The first problem was keeping it a secret. As I was still new to living with a wolf inside me, sometimes its hard to keep my cool when simple things pissed me off. But Grayson, Ethan, and Jen helped me with that. I haven't met the other people of the pack yet, I didn't really want to, but I was curious took meet them at the same time.

Grayson and I are getting closer and closer. We have gone out only 1 other time after the day in the woods. He is amazing, and my wolf claimed him and whether I wanted to admit it or not, I wanted to claim him to. I day dream about what it would be like to be in his arms, to kiss his soft, plump, pink lips. I wanted him so bad, but I had no idea if he wanted me back.

I doubt it honestly I thought to myself. I have never had anyone want me, I had my first kiss, but that was it. I didn't want him to think I was a prude. I was snapped out of my thoughts when the devil himself walked in. At the sight of him, my wolf wanted to roll on her back and play with her. Psh Hussie I thought to my wolf.

Grayson was making a sandwich, and spoke with his back to me. His shirt less, toned, sexy back. "So I am having the pack females coming over for dinner today." He said in monotone.

"What?!" I said in surprise. Today?! Meet them!? What if they don't like me? What if- my thoughts of anxiety were broken off when Grayson spoke again.

"Don't worry, I know you are nervous about this, but they will love you. You are pack." He reassured me.

He walked over to me and brought me into an embrace. I layed my head on his bare chest, the skin on skin contact made my worries melt away. I looked up at Grayson, still hugging him.

"Grayson why does the skin on skin contact have so much... comfort?" I didn't know the word to explain it.

He smiled at me before explaining it, "wolves depend on touch, they always crave it. In the wild wolves constantly survive on touch and comfort from each other."

"That's actually fascinating" I replied.

He winked at me and then took a bite of his sandwich. He started to walk towards his room, before he tired the corner, he said "by the way, they are going to be here in an hour".

"Omg I have to get ready!" I yelled out, I jumped out of my chair and headed towards the bathroom. I was thankful that I left my make up in there from last night.

I ran into the bathroom and looked myself up and down in the mirror. I had on a grey adidas shirt and some black leggings. My hair was pulled up in a perfect messy bun. I just need to put some make up on so I was somewhat presentable.

I couldn't complain about my body, I had a small waist, nice butt, and nice boobs. I wasnt huge, but I was proportionate. I had green eyes, I enjoyed them better when they glowed but I couldn't have them glow all the time. My hair was long and a dark brown. I wasn't bad liking, but I always felt like I could look better.

I finished my make up and walked into the kitchen, wanting to get a bite to eat before the girls showed up. Ethan walked into the kitchen without me noticing. He snuck up behind me and in lightning fast speed, stole my sandwich and ate practically half of it in one bite.

"Ethan!" I yelled out, snatching the sandwich back.

He just laughed at me before diving into the fridge. It seems like the twins never stop eating. Grayson then walked out and started wrestling Ethan to see into the fridge. I just laughed at them and continued to eat what was left of my sandwich.

When the door bell rang, I felt my heart speed up, and my hands were suddenly sweaty. Ethan yelled for them to come in and the door opened to reveal 3 girls. One I recognized as Jen, the other 2 my wolf recognized were werewolves, but did not know who they were. They walked into the kitchen and I got a good look at them then.

Grayson introduced them to me. "Elena, this is Erika" I smiled sheepishly at the blond. We were both standing up, she was taller than me by a few inches. She had blond hair, dark blue eyes, and thin lips. She was quite pretty, but her make up was very amateur, giving her a slightly trashy look. I mean, red lip stick only looks good on certain people and honey, that ain't you. She didn't smile back at me, she just glared. The second she met my eyes, I didn't stand down, making sure this at she knew I was more dominant.

"Well she is pretty dominant" Erika said snarky. Jealousy laced her voice as she looked up at Grayson.

"Yes she is" Grayson said as he walked up behind me. He put his hand on my lower back, as if sensing that I needed the reassurance. My nerves calmed at this. Erika stepped aside, letting the next girl get introduced.

"And Elena this is Jackie". Grayson said. I smiled at this girl and said "nice to meet you". This girl had much better vibes than Erika. She was the same height as me, she had wild, curly, red hair. Not ginger orange, a dark, maroon-ish red. She also has hazel eyes that were practically yellow.


Sorry guys I have to split this chapter in two, just because I don't want a loooonnnnggg ass chapter. Things are really getting interesting next chapter though


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