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Grayson and me were complicated. We weren't dating, but every so often we would make out, or I would come sleep in his bed when I would get nightmares. Yes I got nightmares. That beast that had tried to kill me in the woods, two glowing red eyes, its sharp teeth, they haunted me. The amount of fear I had felt that night had stuck with me, almost every night I would have a panic attack because I would wake up screaming just because I thought that the beast was coming for me again. Tonight was one of those nights, except for a different fear.

I have a major fear of thunderstorms, the cracking and booming makes me scream and cry. No one knows about this because of the fact that I don't want anyone to think I'm a baby or something. This fear isn't just a random fear. I almost died because of a thunderstorm. When I was 14, I was in California, living in the hills with some hippies that picked me up off the side of the road. Cali always had wildfires going on, it was so dry there. But one day we were in the tent, a thunderstorm raged outside, but I wasn't scared of them at the time, so it didn't bother me, I even fell asleep. But I was awoken by the what felt like I was being choked, but it was actually smoke that was suffocating me. Lightening had struck some trees and a huge fire had started. I scrambled out of my sleeping bag and grabbed my backpack, I already had my clothes on just because it was cold. I sprinted out of the tent and saw the camp abandoned. The dumb hippies left me here to die, those son of a bitches. I took of running down the trail that left the road, the fire was right behind me. I don't know how I ran so fast, I didn't have any oxygen supporting my lungs, but I guess my adrenaline took over and I got out of there. I kept running until I made it to the town, it was a literal ghost town because it was evacuated. I had ran into a small corner store and stocked up on essentials before heading off to another area.

It was one of the most traumatizing events of my life, beside the wolf beast thing almost killing me. I have had one to many life or death experiences. Me, Ethan, and Grayson were all sitting on the couch watching Friday the 13. It was 10:00 pm and I was sandwiched in between E and Gray, which I didn't mind. This movie was scary as hell and they were like two giant heated (and muscular) marshmallows. I was cuddled in between both of them, but when a scary moment came, I would just "accidentally" jump into Grayson's lap, but I was the biggest wimp to scary movies, so it was pretty much genuine. We were nearing the end of the movie sadly, so that means I would have to leave the warm spot in between them.

Once the movie ended we all got up from the couch, as we were walking to our rooms, that were all down the same hallway, I jumped onto Grayson's back and he laughed ad started running down the hallway towards my room. I giggled as he ran, loving that we messed around with each other so much. Once he got into my room, he dropped me on the bed, and as he tried to walk away, I grabbed  his wrist so that he looked back at me, he smirked at me and I raised my eyebrows suggestively. I'm hoping he took the hint, but when I tried to go up and kiss him, he pulled away.

" Whats wrong?" I frowned

"Elena tonight is just not  good night" he looked down while saying this

I out my hand under his chin and made him look backup at me. I raised my eyebrows again, making him know that I know that he is holding out on me.

"Elena... Tomorrow is the day the Bailey died. Its always rough for me"

I caught on now, I put a hand on his cheek and gave him some comfort. I dropped my hand and then kissed his cheek before nodding. He walked out of my room and shut the door behind him. I sighed and plopped onto my bed, Grayson was so amazing, I don't know why the fates would put something like this on him. My comforter that they had in their guest bedroom was amazingly soft, it had a flannel-like material so it made it so warm. I closed and tried to go to sleep when I heard a crack of thunder. No no no not now oh no no no this cannot be happening right now. I can't handle this kind of fear. It makes me have panic attacks, it even gets so bad where I feel like I'm getting choked again, just like in the woods. I can't have this happen gain, if I have a panic attack... my wolf will take over and I will be fucked.

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