It's been a while I know. You see, I don't really want to write because I just have to. I like a spur-of-the-moment writing. When you're busy or not doing anything at all, the thought of someone you love suddenly compels you to grab your favorite pen and pretty notebooks (which I haven't brought with me from Las Piñas). 😌
So here I am updating my last-update-on-March-2015 letters of love.
For over a decade together with more than 10 Christmas celebrations, there was only one time when we were together on a Christmas eve. It was in Makati back then with some friends. You cooked for us (because you're obliged to - hahaha). No one else would anyway. No one was brave enough to compete with your chef-like skills. Everybody loved the food you served. You could even start up a restaurant or a catering business like we had been telling you. Weren't you flattered yet that it wasn't only I who had been praising your always-scrumptious meal? That was just one thing I loved about you - satisfying every hungry times of my life. 😂
A lot of photos were taken but deleted. So, yeah, there were no pictures we could look back into. It would still be my favorite Christmas (for now) though. The memory of being able to kiss you for the first time on a Christmas Eve even if there wasn't a mistletoe would forever be remembered year after year.
Now, on a rainy Christmas Day, I remember that all these years it has always been my wish, more than all the gifts I get to receive, to celebrate Christmas with you. Maybe one day, when it's no longer complicated, our families can meet too.
No, don't get me wrong. I'm not sad at all. I'm grateful and joyful. To begin with, it's for Him we're celebrating this day anyway. I guess it's just better though if we get to do it together.
Now that we're celebrating it apart, I still want to let you know I genuinely appreciate your efforts in making me feel you're always with me. Apart from that, I want to thank you for putting up with all my craziness and bitchiness,
For, most of the times, having everything my way.
For extending your almost-consumed patience with me.
For making me feel beautiful at my ugliest.
For giving assurance when I'm in doubt.
For being strong at my most depressing times.
For trying hard to be strong at times when I needed you most.
For forgiving me and granting unlimited chances.
For rubbing my lower back when I'm having my period.
For deciding where to eat (just because I get to ask you first - hahaha). 😂
For doing the laundry even if we can afford going to the laundry shop.
For teaching me lessons I oftentimes ignore or refuse to learn.
For letting me experience a lot of firsts in life.
For pouring out your life to and for me.
For making the bed.
For being a plumber, electrician or what not in our humble abode.
For surprising me a lot of times even when I really don't know how to react.
For doing my mani and pedi before.
For surviving my, sometimes, killer farts (Hey, I survived yours too. 😜).
For letting me sleep in your arms.
For taking care of me when I'm sick.
For taking me out on dates.
For waking me up on tiring mornings and tucking me at night after a rough and long or happy days.
For the unlimited warm and comforting hugs, plenty of sweet kisses, tight holding hands, ticklish cuddles, and endless love.Thank you!
You're more than a gift to me.We say "Sorry" more often than "Thank You". So, I know, this may surprise you. You have told me you haven't really done so much for me because I, most of the time, rant and complain or that I don't get to see your efforts.
I see them Love. I appreaciate all that you do. The list above can be endless because there's really so much I'm grateful about you.
I'm so happy and blessed to have you in my life and can't imagine not having you around. So, this Christmas, I'd rather spend it apart from you but still with you than not having you at all.
Thank you!
For all your big and even small efforts.
Above all, for choosing me, believing in us, deciding to work this relationship out, staying with me, and loving me unconditionally.You are indeed the best Christmas gift I have received. Merry Christmas Love!
I will always choose you.
I will stay with you.
I will always love you.
You will always be my forever.
I Love You because... [GxG]
Non-FictionIt's not known to everyone how we love each other. And, it's not always everyday that I get to let you know how much I appreciate and love you. Well, I guess, through here, I'm going to let them know how I really feel for you. One day, when you are...