Ep. 2 "Soccer"

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September skips into the frame and sits onto the stool. Her smile is brighter than the sun.

PRODUCER: September, can you tell me how you're feeling right now and what's going on exactly?

SEPTEMBER: Well, I'm so so so happy right now because we're eating lunch with Daveed and he's so cute.

PRODUCER: Really? How cute?

SEPTEMBER: He's really cute! I love everything about him! (giggles and claps)

Daveed put on a sweater to everyone's dismay, hiding the biceps everyone was dreaming about. Monroe probably didn't notice because she was scrolling through her Instagram feed. Daveed was the last to arrive to the table on the patio but wore a smile as bright as September's. His eye catches yours but he looks away.

"Is everything okay so far?" he asks picking up his fork.

"Everything's great!" Albany answers. She shoots you a very dirty look.

"Good. Oh, there's someone I want you to meet. He's basically my son. If you don't like Soccer then you might as well leave now," Daveed says.

"...soccer...?" Ty asks, giving you a confused look.

A little white dog scurries out the back door and straight to Daveed's chair. Daveed's eyes light up at the sight of his pet and coos to it softly.

"This is Soccer," he announces. "He means a lot to me so if you're not comfortable with dogs we have a problem."

"He's so cute!" September squeals. "I love him!"

"Stephanie gave him to me," Daveed whispers, his eyes turning cold.

Monroe looks up from her phone with a sympathetic look. Obviously she knows something you all don't.

"I'm really sorry about your girlfriend," Monroe tells him, while waving hair out of her face.

Daveed nods gratefully. "Yeah. Me too."

"I know how much she meant to you and I know there's no one who can fill that void," Albany interjects. "But know that I'm here for you."

"Bullshit!" Monroe sings with a laugh.

"Excuse me?" Albany scoffs.

"Yeah, excuse us?" Raquel repeats.

"Who are you? Her hype woman? You don't know what he's been through, okay?" Monroe says, busying herself with her glass of wine.

"And you do?" Albany inquires. "You just met him."

"So did you. But I know what happened and have real sympathy for him so maybe you should shut the hell up," Monroe suggests with a slight grin.

Daveed stares at Monroe with wide eyes. He blinks a couple times and goes back to Soccer. "Um...okay."

"I didn't know you talked, Monroe," you joke, forking salad into your mouth.

"Only when people start being bitches."

"Excuse me?!" Albany cries.

"Yeah, excuse us?!" Raquel echoes.

"Raquel, can you be quiet? Please?" Monroe requests.

"Can we all just be friends? We haven't even been here for a day!" September says, her voice still sugary sweet.

"I agree with rainbow princess over here. Albany, don't be a bitch in the first hour," Ty advised.

"Daveed, do something!" Albany shrieks at Daveed.

He looks up from playing with Soccer and laughs. "What do you want me to do?"

"Nevermind, whatever." She rolls her eyes up to the sky.

"So no one has a problem with Soccer?" Daveed asks for clarification.

"Can I play with him?" September asks already standing from her seat.

Daveed smiles. "Sure."

"I'm leaving," Albany declares, staring straight at Monroe.

"Me too," Raquel says.

"Bye, friends!" Monroe waves at the two as they storm back inside the house.

"Did they already know each other?" Daveed asks when Albany and Raquel are out of sight.

"I have no idea but it seems like it," Monroe replies. "But seriously, I'm really sorry about your girlfriend. She seemed like an amazing woman."

Daveed let his eyes fall to his plate. "She was."

The atmosphere gets awkwardly silent and the only noise is September talking to Soccer and the rhythmic clatter of his collar. You want to ask about who Stephanie is but you don't know how to do so without being rude. You keep your mouth shut. There's no need to start anything else especially since Daveed already seems a little tense. Whoever Stephanie is definitely had an impact on his life dramatically.

"Soccer is such a sweet dog!" September giggles peppering kisses all over Soccer's face. "I love him so much! Can I keep him?"

"You wish," Daveed laughed. His eyes still displayed sadness.

"Maybe Albany's allergic to dogs," Monroe says. "She got all tense right when Soccer showed up."

"You could be right," Daveed agrees. "You're funny, Monroe."

"Yeah, I can hang with you," Ty adds. "You're not bad."

"Y'all aren't bad either."

It looks like you've made some friends.

A/N: Ayyyeeee so I love this story so much that I had to update again. Does anyone have anyone have any opinions on your competition?

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