Ep. 19 "Tonight"

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The frame is empty. The only thing on camera is the empty stool where Monroe is supposed to be sitting.

PRODUCER: Monroe, can you get in the frame please? We can't see you.

MONROE: (in a shaky voice) Don't talk to me.

The camera shifts over to Monroe who is sobbing, her face tomato red. She notices that the camera is on her and immediately blocks her face.

MONROE: Leave me alone!

She turns her back to the camera.

PRODUCER: (mumbles) I don't remember signing up to be a therapist.

The producer motions for the camera to be focused in a different direction after standing and approaching Monroe.

MONROE: I told you to leave me alone.

PRODUCER: I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Don't cry.

MONROE: (sobs) I just wanted him to like me!

PRODUCER: I know. I'm sorry.

At around five in the morning, you wake up with a splitting headache and an unsettling feeling in your stomach. You run at lightning speed to the bathroom. This isn't exactly how you like to spend your Saturday mornings.

As you're slumped over next to the toilet waiting for the next urge to throw up, there's a knock on your door. You gather all your energy to call, "It's open!"

Daveed swallows the urge to laugh at you when he sees the miserable stage you're in. "There will be no Château Mouton on our date." He sits next to you and hands you a generous glass of water. "You wanna stay in tonight, baby?"

"No," you reply incontestably. "We have to go somewhere." There was no way you were letting your date be sabotaged by Albany.

"I was thinking about going to Santa Monica tonight. There's a cute little pier with rides and games. It's warm enough." He plants a lingering kiss on your cheek.

"That sounds great," you reply, taking his hand in yours.

"You don't have to get dressed up. It's just the beach." He rubs his thumb over the back of your hand.

"I'm excited."

He smiles and pecks your cheek again before standing to his feet. "I'll see you downstairs for breakfast."

You nod and he exits the room leaving you speechless once again.

Daveed isn't downstairs as he said he would be when you arrive but a sobbing Monroe and a comforting Albany are.

Monroe's face is painfully red and any words she speaks can't be interpreted because her sobs are so intense. Albany is out of character as she holds Monroe close and rubs her back.

"I'm guessing your date didn't go well," you comment as you take down a bowl for some cereal.

"Can you stay out of this for just a second?" Monroe snaps, her voice quivering with emotion.

"I was just asking," you mumble. "Gosh."

"Just because you have special privileges because you look like his dead bitch doesn't mean you can come around here and make fun of me. Eat your cereal, whore," Monroe retorts.

"Excuse me?" you chuckle.

"I said eat your cereal!" she screams, standing from her seat.

"You can sit right back down because I know you're not yelling at me," you tell her as you pour (your fave cereal) into a bowl.

"Don't sass me!"

"I just asked you a question and then you started yelling at me!"

"I'm so done with you. I don't know who you think you are but you're not as special as you think you are. You're nothing but a dumb-"

"Good morning, ladies!" Daveed cries, bounding down the stairs with Soccer on his heels. "How are you?"

Monroe walks away immediately. The whole situation is almost humorous to you. She doesn't scare you at all.

"I'm great, Daveed," Albany pipes up. You forgot she was there while you were bickering with Monroe.

"Good. What was all the noise about?" He fills Soccer's water dish to the brim.

"Well, Monroe-"

"Is totally okay," Albany interjects. She glares at you before looking back at Daveed. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure? It was really loud."

"Yeah, I'm sure. It's fine."

You wait for Albany to leave but she doesn't stand from her seat at the kitchen table. She shrugs when you two make eye contact. A wry smile tugs at her lips because she knows you want to tell Daveed everything about the situation. There is no way she'd let you get away that easy.


Monroe's feelings are the last thing on your mind as you search for the perfect outfit to wear on your date. Daveed had told you earlier not to dress up but you want to impress him. You decide that following his advice and dressing casual would impress him so you pick out (your outfit from the pic above). It was perfect.

You keep your makeup subtle to avoid coming off as overbearing. You don't want to look like you try too hard.

Daveed had told you to wait on the front porch for him so you go straight there when you're done getting ready. He doesn't keep you waiting very long to your surprise. About two minutes later, a jet black Porsche pulls around the circle driveway and stops right in front of you. Daveed gets out and embraces you as if he hasn't seen you in years.

"You look so gorgeous as always," he says after kissing your cheek. "Let's get going."

He opens the passenger door for you before settling into the driver's seat. Daveed takes your hand as he pulls off and doesn't let go until he finds a parking space at the pier.



Y'all he's so beautiful I'm doneeee

My BFF and I were supposed to go see Clipping tonight but the tickets are sold out so the next chapter is going to be loaded with feels.

More very very very soon!🦉

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