Ep. 3 "Freestyling"

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Daveed picks at some of his curls and waits for the producer to ask him a question. He's still wearing the sad expression he had at lunch.

PRODUCER: Hey, Daveed, can you tell us who Stephanie is?

DAVEED: (chuckles dryly) You're kidding right?

No one answers.

DAVEED (CONT'D): She was my girlfriend...for two years. And she's dead.

PRODUCER: Can you tell us a little more?

DAVEED: What the (expletive) do you want with this information? It's none of your (expletive) business, honestly.

PRODUCER: The viewers at home want to know who Stephanie is. I mean, it's the reason you're on this show, right?

DAVEED: Tell the viewers at home that they can Google it if they're feeling really nosy.

Daveed stands and exits the frame, ignoring the demands of the producer.

The day goes by way too fast and before you know it, it's time for bed. You and your new friends Ty and Monroe have already changed into your pajamas and are hanging out in your room. You forget cameras are watching for a while and let loose.

"Did Albany really try to pick a fight with you?" Ty asks, wiping off the remainder of her makeup. "That bitch was about to get her ass beat!"

"I don't know why Albany thinks she's better than us and I don't know why Raquel hangs with her. They're both bitches, to be honest," Monroe comments, tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder.

"What about September?" you inquire. "She's a little off."

"Y/N, she's on something," Monroe laughs. "She probably took too much Claritin or something, I don't know."

"Y'all, can we talk about Daveed for a second? I can't get enough of that man! He can take me now, honestly," Ty sighs falling onto your bed. "Right here, right now."

There's a knock on your door and Ty goes ballistic. "He heard me! He heard me! He's coming to get me! Praise God!"

"Calm down, oh my gosh. He's obviously here for me," you say as you walk to the door. Sure enough, Daveed is standing there in a tank top.

"Hey, Y/N," he greets. "Um, you wanna hang out with Soccer and me? We don't really have anything else to do."

"Sure. Sounds fun," you reply as Ty and Monroe join you at the door.

"Oh, all of you are here! Cool, let's go." Daveed motions all three of you to follow him.

You think you and your friends are going to have a nice evening with Daveed and his precious dog until you see Albany and Raquel relaxing on the couch. September's there too but you aren't worried about her right now.

"Have a seat, ladies. Can I pour y'all a drink?" Daveed asks, opening his cabinet of alcohol. "Y'all seemed keen to that red wine earlier today. Want some of that?"

"Doesn't matter to us!" Albany chimes with that disgusting grin on her face.

Daveed takes down some glasses and begins pouring the wine. Albany turns to you and your friends and she's not happy at all.

"You want to get in a fight with me, don't you?" she snaps at Monroe. "You're acting like the little show we put on at lunch wasn't enough."

"I'm not here for you, I'm here for Daveed," Monroe replies running a hand through her hair. "And I could kick your plastic ass any day."

"My ass is real," Albany informs her.

"Just like your boobs. Right, right."

"Don't make me get up!" Albany hisses as Raquel holds her back.

"Whoa, baby girl, I have your wine. Chill out," Daveed laughs as he hands Albany a glass of the red liquid. "I know how you women are with your alcohol so I won't take away from that."

"Thanks, Daveed, you're so sweet."

Albany plants a kiss on Daveed's cheek and sets basically everyone off. Daveed's cheeks turn bright red and he pushes his glasses up on his nose.

"So are you," he replies, staring into Albany's eyes.

"Do you see what's going on right now?!" Ty hisses in your ear. "She's stealing our man right from under us!"

"Not if I can help it," you snicker as you turn toward Daveed. You have something that will take his attention away from Albany so fast.

"Hey, Daveed, I just wanted to tell you that I'm a huge fan of your work. And I've been a fan of you since the beginning," you gush.

Sure enough, Daveed looks away from Albany and straight at you. "Really?" he asks. His deep brown eyes glimmer with curiosity.

"Yeah. I actually saw you in Hamilton. You were amazing!"

"Hamilton," Daveed chuckles. "That was like, five years ago."

"I still remember it like it was yesterday," you say with a smile. "I also listened to Clipping."

"Shut the fuck up!" he laughs, clapping his hands in amusement. "That's amazing!"

"I still listen to Clipping!"

"No you don't!" he says, wiping tears.

"I do!"

"What's your favorite song?"

That question really stumps you. There are so many good ones. It's impossible for you to choose just one.

"I'm gonna go with 'Work Work' because I can listen to that on repeat and never get tired of it," you decide. Daveed laughs out loud again.

"That's great. I swore no one listened to Clipping. Honestly, I owe Lin and Sub Pop Records everything for my rap career. Hamilton boosted my exposure and Clipping showed off my skills. Now look where I am," Daveed laughs scooping Soccer into his arms.

"Can you rap for us?" September asks, looking at everyone for support. "Because you're super good!"

"Rap 'Guns and Ships'," you add.

Daveed smiles at you and nods. "Only if you do the little 'Lafayette!' part."

"Of course."

"I'm takin' this horse by the reins, making redcoats redder with bloodstains..."


"And I'm never gonna stop until I make 'em drop and burn 'em up and scatter their remains I'm..."


"Watch me engagin' 'em, escapin' 'em, enragin' 'em I'm..."


"I go to France for more funds!"


"And come back with more guns, and ships, and so the balance shifts," you both say in unison as you fall into a fit of hysterical laughter. No one else knows what you're talking about and that makes you feel so good inside. Even when Hamilton was considered "popular", no one ever understood the references you'd make to the songs. You felt like you were in elite club when you were talking to your Hamilton friends because only they knew what you were talking about and found it funny.

"You know what, I can hang with you Y/N. You're pretty cool," Daveed concludes, slightly scooting toward you. "And pretty too."

You felt a warm, tingling sensation run throughout your body. That feeling goes away when your eyes meet Albany's and she's definitely not happy with you.

A/N: God I hate Albany. What's your favorite Clipping song tho?

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