Ep. 11 "Shop Around"

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Ty limps into the frame and awkwardly settles into the stool, wincing in pain at every move. After a deep breath, she folds her hands into her lap and smiles.

TY: I'm ready.

PRODUCER: How do you feel about that kiss between Daveed and Albany?

TY: Um...I'm hurt, but it was just a game so I don't think he really felt anything. I know Y/N was really upset. I felt really bad for her.

PRODUCER: But you fell.

TY: Yeah, but emotional damage can hurt more than physical damage sometimes.

Every day felt worse and worse. The more you thought about Albany, the more your stomach twisted and turned. You couldn't even look at Daveed without feeling a way.

Daveed caught on as soon as you declined another breakfast in bed invitation. The defeat in his eyes was something you'd never forget but you weren't going to let him see you upset.

Breakfast was the same as usual that morning. Albany was still molesting Daveed's biceps and Monroe was still threatening to call the police. You weren't very hungry; how could you be when Daveed was enjoying Albany right in front of you?

"Hey, Y/N, are you okay?"

Did he just ask you something? You didn't think he'd ever look at you after he was entranced by Albany's kiss.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you reply almost absentmindedly.

Daveed nods but you can tell he doesn't take your response seriously. "Well, I have an announcement," he says.

"You love me?" Ty jokes.

"I do love you but that's not the announcement," Daveed laughs, leaning back in his chair. "I'm inviting some friends over tonight for a mini Hamilton reunion of sorts."

Your heart nearly skips a beat as the words leave Daveed's mouth. Being in the midst of a Hamilton reunion is something you could only dream about.

"I know you girls haven't really been out of the house and I thought it'd be fun to take you out shopping and maybe get dinner or something," Daveed suggests. "Is that okay? Everything's on me, by the way."

"I'm down," Ty agrees.

"Whatever you want, baby." Albany rubs Daveed's arm for the millionth time.

All the excitement of a Hamilton reunion drains out of you when Albany touches him again. You want to disappear when Daveed smiles back at her, his eyes full of some kind of lust.

You awkwardly excuse yourself from the table and put your untouched pancakes and eggs on the counter before silently walking upstairs to your room. A part of you doesn't even care that the cameras caught your exit. You just had to get out of there.

You throw on some joggers, a tank top, and a zip up hoodie and decide that you look decent for a day of shopping. You weren't looking to impress anyone anyways; nothing really mattered to you anymore.

"Knock knock, boo! It's your girls Ty and Monroe!"

Ty somehow manages to make you smile and you open up for her and Monroe. They gasp at your outfit.

"Girl, we're going out with Daveed Diggs. Why do you look like a soccer mom?" Ty asks, tugging at your hoodie.

"Because soccer moms are the most comfortable moms," you reply, sitting down on your bed to tie up your white Jordan's.

"But they don't wear Jordan's," Monroe observes.

"The fly moms do, but that's another conversation. Hey, are you still upset about Albany and Daddy's kiss? It's not that bad," Ty sighs, sitting next to you.

"Yes, it is."

"That was like, three days ago. It's old news," Monroe reasons, trying out Snapchat filters.

"You guys don't even understand. I thought you would be as upset as I am. Especially you, Ty. I mean, you call him Daddy Diggs," you say, playfully shoving Ty.

"Y/N, he's always been Daddy Diggs, okay?" Ty explains. "Look, don't mope around for the rest of your life. You've gotta be able to rise above Albany's b.s."

"I know but..." You think about telling them about your breakfast with Daveed but you refrain. That could only make things worse.

The car ride to town is loud and all of your songs are blasting through the stereo. Daveed has a playlist that looks very similar to yours but that doesn't change the fact that Albany got to sit in the front seat with Daveed while you and your friends are confined to the back. Ty tries to get you to dance and sing along but all you can do is watch Albany and Daveed giggle like school kids with their hands intertwined. How do your friends not see this?

Daveed finally parks in front of a store in Beverly Hills and you're the first one out of the car. The car ride alone was going to kill you.

"You girls have at it. I'll meet you at the register," Daveed says with a wink.

Ty pulls you to the first rack she sees but you're not really interested in shopping. It was kind of hard when all Daveed saw was Albany.

A/N: Because I wanted to leave off at a specific place, it's a double update fam! Keep scrolling!!!

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