Ep. 24 "Our Time"

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A/N: Hold up let's talk about this photo real quick. Looks like this girl has a tumor growing in her stomach lmao. Her entire body is a photoshop fail. And her bruised leg is scaring me. Domestic violence is not okay y'all. ANYWAY, here's some Daveed feels! Enjoy!



Daveed doesn't look as depressed as he was but it's obvious he's still upset about something. He's more frustrated than sad.

PRODUCER: You look like you need to talk.

DAVEED: I'm just a little frustrated about everything that went down.

PRODUCER: Yeah, that fight was not something I expected.

DAVEED: I didn't see that in Y/N, you know? This is exactly what I didn't want and now it's happening. It's like a show I had in Miami all over again. (laughs)

There was no way in the world you would go down to dinner tonight. You're starting to regret the things you said to Daveed earlier and you're not the best at reconciliation.

In times like these, showering was the best option and that's exactly what you did. The warm water soothes your body better than anything else.

You rub your skin down with a sweet smelling lotion and put on your best lingerie. You're all for looking good for yourself.

There's a knock on your door as you're clipping your bra and you freeze. Who was trying to disturb your peace?

You swipe your blush silk robe off your bed and open the door. You figure it's Albany and you want her to get a good look at her competition so you don't lace it up.

It isn't Albany.

"Daveed," you squeak, frantically tying up your robe to cover yourself. "Hey."

"Why are you tying this up? You look good, baby," he teases, grabbing your hand.

Your cheeks flush red at his touch. "Come in."

"I just wanted to talk because things don't feel right between us, you know?" he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I agree. Have a seat."

Daveed sits on your bed and you sit next to him. He scoots closer to you. "Why are you sitting so far away from me?" he chuckles, toying with the fabric of your robe. "Are you that mad?"

"No," you reply. "I didn't realize I was sitting so far."

"Don't be shy, Y/N," Daveed insists. "Anyway, something feels out of place, you know? I feel like we're holding back."

"I would agree."

"Okay, but why? Did I do something?" He looks truly lost and concerned which warms you. He genuinely cares about his relationship with you.

"No...well, yes...but it wasn't your fault necessarily."

Daveed still wears a confused expression.

"I don't know, Daveed, it's just really hard," you mumble, burying your face in your hands.

"What's hard, babe?" he asks, taking your hands away.

"This competition. I mean, we're all out for each other's blood. It's ridiculous."

"Says the girl who fought someone today," Daveed jokes.

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