Ep. 7 "Rising Tension"

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Albany primps her hair and snaps a couple selfies, seemingly enjoying the good lighting.

PRODUCER: Can you address your feelings on the other girls thinking you're a (expletive)?

ALBANY: (laughs) Well, September, Ty, and Y/N, I don't care at all what you think. You can call me a (expletive). I don't care! I know who I am and I'm playing the game just like you guys so get real.

The day ends with a barbecue outside on the patio. Soccer patrols the area under the table, waiting for someone to drop food. He begs Daveed every few minutes but he shakes his head every time and the little dog goes back to waiting.

"I put food out for you, Soccer," Daveed says as the dog makes his way back to his chair.

Soccer barks over and over again before Daveed finally gives in and drops a couple French fries on the ground and Soccer happily eats them up.

"He's so cute!" September screeches. "I can't say that enough!"

"He's cute until he starts asking you for food," Daveed laughs.

"Kinda like Y/N. She's cute until she starts taking what's yours," Albany says, forking salad in her mouth.

"What?" Daveed asks.

"Oh, did I say that out loud?" she giggles.

"Yeah, you did!" you laugh sarcastically. "Honestly, I would fight you right now but I have more respect for myself."

"Someone needs to brew some tea!" Monroe sings.

"Wait, I'm confused. What's going on?" Daveed inquires. "Why are we fighting each other?"

"Because Albany's a witch!" September interjects out of nowhere. "She's mean to everyone and I'm done with it!"

"A witch?" Daveed raises a suspicious eyebrow at September.

"I don't like bad words."

"I don't know what you're talking about, September. You're the one who's always rude to people. Don't try to shift the blame off yourself," Albany scoffs, brushing hair off her shoulder.

"That's a lie!" September cries. "Right guys?" She looks at you, Ty, and Monroe for support.

You exchange glances with your friends and then look back at September who's trying her hardest to keep a smile on her face. You don't say anything; you can't take a side in front of Daveed.

"Um, I'm gonna let you girls work this out on your own and I'm gonna go to bed. See y'all in the morning." Daveed excuses himself from the table and disappears inside the house.

"I don't know what the hell you're trying to pull, but I want you to know that you will not win this. Whatever you're trying to accomplish is going to fail miserably. Get off my back you little slut," Albany spat, pointing a finger in September's face.

"I know you didn't just call me that! You don't know me!" September screams.

"I don't want to know you. You're nothing anyway so hopefully I'll get rid of you as fast as I got rid of Raquel." Albany wipes her hands on her napkin and stands. "Goodbye, insignificant hoes."

She struts inside and slams the door shut as if you all care about her personal problems. A resounding sigh escapes from the rest of you. You immediately look at September who doesn't look particularly happy.

"You good, September?" you ask with a slight smile.

"I don't know. I need to go to sleep." She sighs and mopes inside the house with Soccer following behind her.

You and your friends decide it's also a good time to go to sleep as well and head inside together.

As you walk to your room, you think about talking to Daveed but you don't want to come off as a pushover so you leave him alone for the night.


The sound of shattering glass wakes you at seven in the morning and you bolt right out of your room. Ty's awake as well and you both share confused looks.

"What was that?" you ask.

"I have no idea but I think it came from downstairs."

You and Ty hurry down the stairs and are taken aback by the scene. You look at September who looks almost as surprised as you.

"September, what did you do?!" you scream.

"I didn't do anything! You have to believe me!"

"When Daveed sees this he's gonna eliminate you for sure," Ty says crossing her arms.

"I definitely agree."

Daveed stands at the top of the stairs, staring down at September with a disapproving glare. She shakes her head and crumbles down to the floor.


A/N: Ooohhhh what happened??? Hopefully I get another chapter up so I don't leave you all in the dark lol🦉

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