Ep. 12 "Reassurance"

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Monroe isn't on her phone for a change. She runs a hand through her hair and waits for a question.

PRODUCER: What's your input on everything that's been going on? The house has been pretty hectic.

MONROE: If we're being honest, I think everyone needs to grow some balls and man up. Especially Y/N. I mean, I know that the kiss Albany and Daveed shared hurt her, but that happened days ago. She needs to let it go.

PRODUCER: So you think Y/N is overreacting?

MONROE: Very much so.

You lazily go through dresses on the rack but nothing interests you. Ty was keeping you company but she left to try on a dress, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You really want to forget about everything but every time you push it out of your head, it keeps coming back. In an attempt to distract yourself, you continue flipping through dresses even though none of them catch your attention.

"Having trouble?"

Daveed appears out of nowhere and places a hand on your shoulder. His touch warms you instantly.

"Yeah, I can't find anything I want," you mumble, taking a bright pink dress off the rack. You immediately return it.

"I saw something I'd love to see on you. Come on." Daveed takes your hand and pulls you around the corner to a different section of the store. He takes a peach colored blouse off the rack and holds it against you. "This color looked beautiful on you, Y/N. I've been thinking not so clean thoughts about you in that bikini."

You blush slightly and look at the floor. "Thanks, I guess."

"Okay, what's wrong?" he asks, lowering the blouse. "You've been really sad lately."

"It's nothing," you reply.

"I know for a fact it's something, Y/N. I hate seeing you so upset," he says, hanging the blouse up.

You sigh and cross your arms as you feel your emotions overpower you. It was getting harder to keep your composure in front of Daveed.

"I'm fine, really," you press, blinking back tears.

"No, you're not, Y/N. What's wrong?" Daveed's tone is slightly firmer this time.

"I don't want you to think I'm petty," you say, shifting your weight from one foot to the other.

"I would never think that about you," he whispers, rubbing your cheek.

"I just...I'm kinda hurt by your kiss with Albany and I know it shouldn't hurt me that much but it does and..."

Daveed's eyes soften as he watches tears run down your face. You're embarrassed at your show of emotion but Daveed doesn't seem to care.

"I just really like you and..."

You see Albany approaching over Daveed's shoulder and you avert your eyes to the floor. She runs her hands over his bicep again.

"Hey, what do you think about-"

"Not now, Albany," Daveed says, waving her away without hesitation.

"But I-"

"I'm in the middle of something. We'll talk later."

Albany glares at you before leaving you and Daveed alone.

"What were you saying?" he asks, refocusing his attention on you.

"I was saying that I really like you and that sometimes Albany is really threatening and...I don't know," you finish.

"Look, Y/N, let me tell you something," Daveed says taking your hand while leaning on the wall. "I like you a lot if you haven't noticed. That kiss between me and Albany wasn't romantic at all and Rafa just made that game up because he's crazy. Baby, I let you eat breakfast in my bed!"

"I know..." You think back to the wonderful breakfast he had prepared for you.

"That shouldn't have meant anything to you. It was just a game, and to be honest..." He leans in close to your ear and whispers, "Albany's not that great of a kisser."

You slap your hand over your mouth to stifle your laugh and Daveed laughs with you.

"I just want you to know that you can always talk to me. If you have a problem, say something, okay? I really hated to see you so upset." He holds your face in your hands and caresses your cheeks with his thumb, wiping away stray tears.

"I didn't know how to tell you."

"It's okay now but next time, the moment something starts bothering you, tell me. I don't want to see you upset like that ever again." He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close to him. "Your time is coming by the way," he says in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean?" you giggle as you feel Daveed's hold on your waist tighten.

"You'll get your love soon enough, baby girl. Just you wait." His lips barely graze your jawline before he releases you. "Find something to wear, okay?"

You nod and unfortunately, he leaves you to talk to Albany but you feel ten times better. You look at the blouse Daveed picked up and decide it would pair nicely with some jeans.

Plus Daveed picked it out so how could you say no?



Since it's Daveed's bday I decided I'd give everyone a present and update twice! You're welcome!

The Ham reunion is in the next chapter so if you want to make any last minute character requests, do it now!

More soon!🦉

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