Ep. 10 "First Kiss"

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Rafael toys with the wedding ring on his finger and looks around, just observing the vicinity.

RAFAEL: Nice place you got here.

PRODUCER: ...thanks? Can we talk about Y/N because you seemed a little intrigued by her.

RAFAEL: I wouldn't say intrigued but she did catch my eye. I'm married by the way, so don't take this wrong.

PRODUCER: Can you elaborate?

RAFAEL: Um...I shouldn't. He didn't want me to talk about it earlier so I-

PRODUCER: The viewers at home want to know.

RAFAEL: Tell the viewers at home they can Google it if they're feeling nosy. This particular subject hurts my friend a lot even thought it happened a while ago so don't talk about it. I try not to bring it up.

PRODUCER: Okay but can you-

RAFAEL: I'm not saying anything, okay? This is about someone's emotions and if you (expletive) with my friend we'll have some problems. So watch yourself.

"Do you guys wanna play a really sick, messed up game?" Rafael asks, eyeing Daveed.

"What are you doing?" he sighs.

"So, out of all you girls, the first one to chug an entire glass of Henny gets to kiss Diggs."

"Shit, I'm down. Let's go," Ty says.

"Rafa, that's the worst game I've ever heard."

"Shut up. Let me get some glasses." He slides off his bar stool and opens the cabinets.

"Rafa, don't," Daveed whines.

"It'll be fun!" Rafael argues. "I mean, look at these girls! Look at Y/N."


"Fine then." He marches back to the group and takes his place at his bar stool. "How about the first person who jumps in the pool and comes back gets to kiss Diggs."

"I'm down for that too," Ty says. "Y'all need to understand that I would shoot my mother dead to kiss this man."

"Relatable," you agree.

"I like Ty. Ty and me can be friends. She's funny," Rafael comments. He looks back at Daveed who still doesn't seem impressed about the games he's making up. "Deal, Diggs?"

"I wanted to kiss them when I felt like I was ready," he sighs.

"Well now you'll know if they're good kissers or not so you know to never kiss them again." He looks at the rest of the group. "First one to jump in the pool and come back gets to kiss Diggs, go!" he screams.

You all take off running, pushing and shoving through the house to get to the pool first. Ty cannonballs into the water and climbs out so fast it's unreal. As she's running back toward the door, Albany grabs her and basically pulls her down, her body hitting the concrete with a resounding smack.

"Oh my god are you-"

"Don't wait for me! Go kiss Daveed before she does!" Ty orders, waving you away.

You nod and run as fast as you can without slipping on the slick tile of the house. You think you might've had a chance but when you get back to the kitchen, your heart shatters into a million pieces.

Daveed seems to be enjoying the kiss, as one of his arms is wrapped around Albany's waist and his other hand is lost in her hair. You always thought that would be you.

"What'd you think, Diggs?" Rafael laughs when Albany and him finally break the kiss.

"Um..." Daveed's eyes meet yours but you look away. "It was nice."

You could tell he wasn't lying.

"Let me get you a towel, Y/N," Rafael offers.

"Actually, can you help Ty? She's hurt." You just wanted to get out of the house and away from Daveed.

"Not my friend Ty! Of course I'll help her," Rafael says walking with you to the backyard.

"Did you get him?" Ty asks, rolling over from her place on the ground when you and Rafael walks out. You shake your head and the glimmer of hope in Ty's eyes vanish in a split second. "Oh."

You nod silently and do your best to hide your tears. You don't know why this was hurting you so much; it had to happen someday.

"What happened to you?" Rafael asks, crouching down next to Ty.


"No, that bitch Albany pushed you," you correct her. You were done covering for Albany.

"She pushed you?" Rafael repeats. "Wow, I'm sorry. I guess my game went a little too far."

"It's fine," Ty replies.

"No, it's not," you choke out.

The tears come this time and you turn away from the scene in an attempt to hide your tears.

"Aw, girl, I'm sorry," Ty whispers.

"You guys don't go anywhere. I'm gonna go get a band-aid or something," Rafael says.

"Y/N, come talk," Monroe suggests.

You shake your head and take a few deep breaths. You weren't going to get emotional like this in front of your friends and you definitely weren't going to cry in front of Rafael Casal.

Rafael takes care of Ty while you do your best to manage your emotions. The image of Daveed enjoying the kiss was enough to make you want to throw up.

"Hey, I'm really sorry." Rafael puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder after Monroe helps Ty inside the house. "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"No, it's fine."

"Is something up with Albany because I can feel some tension," he comments.

"She's just always so mean and we didn't even do anything to her and I just thought Daveed really liked me and..."

The tears stream out of your eyes like a waterfall and you don't try to hold back. Rafael wraps his arms around you, ignoring the fact that you're still soaking wet from jumping into the pool, and brings you into his chest.

"Hey, it's alright. I think you have a pretty fair advantage over the other girls," he assures you.

"Why do you say that?" you sob.

"Diggs is my best friend. I think I would know when he likes someone or not."


I'm sorry. This was actually hard to write.

Hopefully updates are more frequent like this. I hope you enjoyed it...somewhat...more soon!🦉

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