Ep. 27 "Secrets"

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Daveed walks into the frame with a bright smile.

DAVEED: (to the producer) How are you?

PRODUCER: I'm fine. Someone's happy today.

DAVEED: I'm happy to be alive, you know? Every day's a good day.

PRODUCER: Okay...? So, have you made a decision?

DAVEED: Oh yeah. I'm ready. I've already started making plans and everything. It'll be lit as (expletive).

PRODUCER: You sound excited.

DAVEED: I'm hella excited, man, you don't even know.

You could barely get any sleep the previous night. The thought of Daveed learning everything you already knew about Albany makes you giggle like a school girl and you don't even think about containing your laughter. All you can think of is Daveed handing you that last tulip and telling you he loves you. The sight of Albany crying also gives you sheer joy.

The next morning you knock on Daveed's bedroom door and wait patiently for him to answer. He smiles when he sees you and you smile back because he's shirtless.

"You came at the right time," he laughs, pulling you inside his room.

"Obviously. Nice chest."

"I didn't even realize," he says, reaching for a shirt.

"I didn't ask you to put a shirt on," you interject, snatching the tank top from his hands.

"You're right. I'm sorry." Daveed smiles and wraps his arms around you from behind. "Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't get any sleep last night."

"Are you okay?" His mood instantly changes from loving to concerned.

"No, I'm fine," you assure him. "It's just because it's the end of the competition and the anticipation is killing me, you know?"

"I understand. It's almost over, though." He presses a kiss to your neck and squeezes your waist. "I love you so much."

Those words have such a different meaning now that you know he's been exposed to Albany's true self. Before, you never took those words too seriously but now you know he means it. The thought of spending forever with him makes you want to cry.

"I love you too," you reply, sinking into his chest.

Daveed kisses your neck again before releasing you. "Sit down. We never get to talk without being interrupted."

You immediately sit down on the bed and bury yourself in his chest again. He smiles down at you and wraps his arms around your body. You both know this is your favorite place to be.

"Tell me about your dream wedding," he whispers, running his hand passed your hair. "Is there any place you've always imagined being?"

"Not really. I just wanna be married at the end of the day," you tell him, tracing hearts on his golden brown skin.

"Well, you should get to thinking."

You avert your eyes to his and he grins at your confused expression.

"I said what I said, babe," he laughs, kissing your forehead.

"Are you saying that-"

"I'm not supposed to explicitly say anything like that to you but keep thinking about that dream location, okay?"

You nod and quickly kiss his lips. "Okay."

"Do you want to help me make breakfast?"

You nod and finally toss him a tank top before walking out the door together, hand in hand.

"So what's this thing you're working on? It's been taking up a lot of your time," you say as you stir batter for pancakes.

"I want it to be a surprise for you but I'll let you know that it's a concert. I know you'll love it though." He smiles at you and your heart flutters. He hasn't seemed genuinely happy in a long time and to see him smile like that makes you incredibly joyful.

"By the way, don't take anything I do with Albany seriously, okay? You'll understand why soon." He kisses your temple and smiles again.

You don't quite understand but when Albany enters, you get a taste of what he was talking about.

"It smells so good in here! What are you guys making?" she asks, skipping right over to Daveed.

He rolls his eyes but then smiles. "Just pancakes, nothing special. How are you?"

"I'm great. You seem so happy, I love it." She kisses his cheek and steals a strawberry from the chopping board.

You find it hard to not laugh in her face but you do your best. How does she think Daveed would never find out about her horrible words?

"So as all of you know, the finale is coming up and I have to choose a winner," Daveed says when you three sit down for breakfast. "And I want both of you to know that it's been a pleasure having you here and you've both changed my life in more ways than one."

You slightly choke on your orange juice.

"I mean," he eyes you and hides a smile, "you've made me realize that I definitely need to dig deeper and find out who I am and find out who other people are and you've both helped me through this incredibly challenging time and I'm grateful."

"Baby, that's so sweet," Albany coos, grinning in his direction.

"Yeah, Daveed, that's so sweet," you repeat, forking hash browns in your mouth to shut yourself up.

He chuckles and continues eating to shut himself up too leaving Albany highly confused. Not that it matters anyway.


Y'all are already acting like a married couple I CANNOT.

The next chapter is going to be lit and I can't wait!!! Thank you all so much for reading and I love you so much

More soon!🦉

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