Ep. 17 "Sunrise"

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A distraught Daveed comes into view. His eyes are glassy and he looks worn down to a frazzle.

PRODUCER: How ya feelin', Daveed?

DAVEED: How am I feeling? I'm feeling a little disappointed in everyone. Your show is a joke.

He begins to take off his microphone.

PRODUCER: Hold on for just a-

DAVEED: No. I'm off this.

He storms off set.

You never thought you'd be left alone with Albany and Monroe.

You never thought Monroe would betray you like this.

It's two against one and Daveed won't even look your way anymore. You begin prepping yourself for the possibility of elimination. You believe you have a fighting chance in this competition but after the spectacle you put on last night, the future is really unclear.

The first person on your mind when you wake up is Ty and you almost breakdown in tears. She had truly become your best friend throughout this competition. She was always by your side making you laugh and keeping you motivated. Who was supposed to take over her position now?

You catch a glance at the clock on your nightstand and groan when you read the time. It's 5:30 in the morning and you're already on the verge of tears.

"Let's get some air," you say to yourself. You kick your feet off the side of the bed, throw a sweatshirt over your pajamas, and slide on some flip flops before walking out of your room. The eerie silence of the house is enough to make you question your safety. You're an easy target for Albany now that all of your potential allies are gone.

The sun is peeking out from the horizon when you quietly close the back door behind you. Sunrises always manage to make you feel better and today's sunrise definitely doesn't fail.

You settle into a beach chair and lay back, enjoying one of the beautiful masterpieces nature has to offer. You don't even think about your problems in the moment.

Distant footsteps cause you to lose focus on the sunrise. You glance in the direction of the sound but immediately avert your eyes back to the sky.

Daveed was jogging toward you.

What do you say to him if he talks to you?

The keyword being if.

A part of you wants him to acknowledge you but another part of you wants him to ignore you completely. You feel sick just thinking about making conversation with him.

The footsteps come to a steady stop and you can feel his eyes on your body. He's staring at you and you don't want to stare back.

Daveed takes a seat in the chair next to you and lays back, lifting his eyes to take in the morning sky. It's awkward since neither of you have said a word, but the fact that he didn't blatantly ignore you warms your heart.

"Good morning."

He spoke to you.

You steal a glance at him and your cheeks heat up. His biceps are on display for all to see.

"Good morning."

"That was one hell of a night, huh?" He chuckles slightly.


Daveed sits up and turns to fully face you, almost demanding your attention. It works because you have no choice but to look back at him.

"Are you mad at me?" he asks. The concern in his eyes is evident, especially since his curls are pulled up on top of his head.

"No," you reply.

Daveed shakes his head like he's disappointed but there's a smile on his face. He leans forward and kisses you without warning. The bliss seemed to last for a split second, as it was over before you got started.

"That was for you, not Stephanie," he says as he rises to his feet.

All you can do is blink in shock.

Daveed let's his eyes linger over your body before walking inside the house and leaving you in astonishment. This man never fails to amaze you.

The sun is fully in the sky when you lay back in your chair with a stupid grin on your face. The Southern California heat begins to roll in, warming your body through your sweatshirt. It has to be at least 75 degrees already but you don't mind at all. Only Daveed can make you feel this way.

Now that you feel you may have a chance in this competition, you dress to kill. Not one hair is out of place and your winged eyeliner is so sharp, it can stab a man. You're ready to fight for your life.

"Good morning, Daveed," you greet in a voice similar to Albany's.

"Hey, Y/N." Daveed is slightly confused since you literally just saw him half an hour ago. "You look...amazing," he stutters.

"Thank you!" You stand on your toes to peck his cheek.

Albany is seething when you glance back at her but all you do is smile sweetly. She deserves to get a taste of her own medicine.

"Good morning, everyone!" the producer calls as he enters the kitchen. "I have an announcement!"

The producer hasn't brought any bad news yet so you're not particularly worried about this announcement.

"First off, I'd like to congratulate you girls for making it to the final three! I know it was quite a challenge."

"Tell me about it," you mutter to yourself.

"But I feel bad for Daveed because now it's time for him to get serious about picking a relationship and since you three are here, I know it's going to be a hard choice for him."

You pray it isn't a hard choice.

"Each of you girls is going to get a night alone with Daveed. No one can interfere with your date at all and if that does happen, you will be disqualified," the producer says. "There's no room for pettiness in this competition, ladies. I have no tolerance for it and I know Daveed doesn't have tolerance for it either."

"Pay attention, Albany," you mumble.

Albany looks as if she's going to lunge at you but then realizes the company she's in. You wish she would fight you in front of the producer and God knows what Daveed would think of her then. But you know Albany wouldn't make it that easy for you to win. She's going to fake it until she makes it.


It's a happier chapter! Yay! Things shouldn't get too depressing anymore so you're welcome!

More soon!🦉

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