Ep. 15 "Pep Talk"

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Albany folds her hands in her lap after toying with her hair for the millionth time. The producer opens his mouth when she's still.

PRODUCER: You've been hanging around Monroe lately. Can you explain that?

ALBANY: We're just close, that's all. There's nothing wrong with making new friends, right?

You didn't think about putting a lick of makeup on your face today. There was no use in getting dressed up when there was no one to impress. Gray sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt suits your body perfectly today. You don't care if Ty says you resemble a soccer mom. You were comfortable and that's all that matters.

Laughter can be heard from downstairs and as much as you want to join the action, the thought of being in the same room as Daveed makes you sick. The information he shared with you still makes you so confused and you don't quite know what to say to him.

You hook your phone up to your speaker and play some music to distract you. To your dismay, "Washington on Your Side" is the first song to play.

You change it immediately.

"Knock knock, boo! It's your girls Ty and Monroe!"

You pause your music and decide it'd be better to talk to your friends instead. Your own playlist wasn't helping you get over your feelings and friends were the next best option.

"Why are you wearing sweats?!" Ty cries. You knew she would say something about your attire.

"You should've been there, Y/N, Daveed was being so hilarious," Monroe raves, falling onto your bed.

"He kept smiling and laughing and I swore my ovaries were going to burst," Ty groans. "Why weren't you there? Don't tell me you're still upset about that kiss."

"No, it's...it's something else."

"Well it won't help if you keep it to yourself! Spill!" Ty insists.

"No, I'd rather not," you reply. "It's a personal problem."

"Come on, Y/N, we're all friends!" Ty sits next to you and takes your hand to confirm your friendship.

"Well, I was talking to Daveed last night and he told me that I look like Stephanie and that's why he's been so attracted to me," you explain, remembering last night's chat in vivid detail. "I mean, we kissed but I'm kind of confused."

"You kissed?!" Monroe cries, looking up from her phone.


"But he only likes you because you look like his dead girlfriend?" Ty repeats.

You nod solemnly.

"What the hell? That's not fair," she says, letting go of your hand to cross her arms.

"Not fair for the rest of us. Of course Daveed is gonna choose Y/N over us. You should probably show yourself out," Monroe barks.

"Girl, why are you so bitter all of a sudden?" Ty asks. "It's not Y/N's fault she looks like Stephanie. She didn't know."

"I'm tired of her getting special treatment. Just saying." Monroe put her hands up in surrender.

"Monroe, this isn't about you," you retort, feeling anger and frustration boil up inside of you. "This is about Daveed not being ready for another relationship. I want him to like me for me not because I look like Stephanie."

"Even if he was over her, he'd still gravitate toward you. That's why you were chosen for this show anyway. You mess with Daveed's feelings which creates drama which creates a good show. They're using you for ratings!" she exclaims.

"Bitch, I don't know what has gotten into you but you need to sit down," Ty orders, standing from the bed.

"No, let her talk," you insist. "Monroe sounds like she's been angry for a while."

"I'm just stating facts. I mean, it's an automatic win for you anyways so I don't know why you're even upset about anything," Monroe smirks. "I'll leave you with that."

Ty death glares Monroe as she walks out of the room head down on her phone like nothing ever happened. What had gotten into her all of a sudden?

"Don't listen to her," Ty says, returning to her seat next to you.

"How are you not upset with me?" you ask. "I know I would be."

"Well, we're friends and I care about you but I'm also playing the game. We're in this together but separate, you know? If it can't be me, it'll be you. But it most definitely will not be Albany," she says. "That's a fact."

"You're definitely right," you reply, giggling at her comment.

"Don't listen to Monroe, okay? And don't hide from Daveed. If you have a problem, tell him just like last time. He won't be mad at you."

"But I don't know how to bring it up," you whine. "It's a touchy subject."

"Well, you won't get anywhere hiding in here. Come on."

Ty pulls you up and out of your room even though you fight against her with everything you have. You didn't even know what to say to Daveed when you saw him.

Albany and Daveed are chatting away when you and Ty arrive downstairs and you plaster a smile on your face so he doesn't think you're upset over last night. He buys into your façade which makes you slightly upset, but he looks much happier and relieved than before.

At least Daveed feels better.



Sooo that was very uneventful but at least I got something up. I was super busy this week but hopefully I'll get more chapters up this weekend!

That's Ty in the pic above just in case you didn't know.

More soon!🦉

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