Ep. 6 "Pool Party"

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Daveed shifts uncomfortably in the stool. He looks terribly exhausted but waits for a question.

PRODUCER: Can you talk about eliminating Raquel?

DAVEED: I feel kinda bad, you know? I hate breaking hearts. It was horrible to see her cry. I hope the whole eliminating thing gets easier from here.

PRODUCER: On social media, we have a lot of fans who "ship" you and Y/N. Any thoughts?

DAVEED: (chuckles) Um, that's really sweet of y'all who already ship me with someone. I ship it too, you know? Y/N's pretty cool and hot as (expletive).

Ever since Raquel got eliminated, you've been wondering who you can trust. You wanted to tell yourself that Ty and Monroe would never do something like that to you but you really couldn't be so sure.

Breakfast is very tense but Albany doesn't seem to mind. She eats her cereal as if it was a normal day.

"I can't stop thinking about Raquel," September frowns. "It just makes me so sad."

"She had to go one day," Albany sighs with a disgusting grin. "She wouldn't have won anyway."

"And what makes you think you have a chance?" September shoots back. "You're always mean to everyone and I'm surprised Daveed hasn't seen right through you."

Ty chokes down a laugh and Monroe takes a sip of the piping hot tea in front of her. You're surprised as well. September didn't normally say things like that.

"If you want to be rude to people, have at it because nice boys like Daveed don't hang out with...with...witches!" she spat, pointing a finger in Albany's face.


"I don't like bad words," she pouts.

"Oh my god, Y/N, Daddy Diggs at seven o'clock," Ty hisses.

You attempt to sneak a peak behind you but Ty slaps your thigh. "You know better than that!" she scolds.

You settle for waiting until Daveed is making his morning coffee which isn't too far away from where you're sitting. The poor man looks absolutely exhausted and your heart aches for him. Your mind goes back to your secret breakfast and his behavior after the hug you shared. Maybe something was up with him.

"Good morning, Daveed," Albany purrs, standing from her chair.

"Oh Lord," you hear Ty mutter.

"Are you okay? You look a little upset," Albany says, rubbing Daveed's bare arms. He had been living in tank tops due to the rising temperatures.

"I'm fine, thank you," Daveed replies, forcing a smile. It wasn't as bright as usual and that slightly broke your heart.

"You wanna talk about it? We can go somewhere else if you want it to be private," Albany suggests, glaring back at the rest of you.

"No, I just need some space. Thank you though," he says. He turns and walks back upstairs without a word.

Albany waits a few seconds and follows after him.

"I want to report a sexual assault," Monroe says, holding her phone up to her ear as if she's calling the police.

"For real! She had her hands all over that man! She knows she wrong," Ty scoffs, crossing her arms.

"Aren't you all sick of her? Daveed can't even tell that she's giving us a hard time! We need to do something about this," September declared, lightly slamming her fist down on the table. "Who's with me?"

You raise your hand. "I'll help you."

"Yay! I knew you were cool!" September giggled, high fiving you just as you were about to put your hand down.

"I'll help you after I call the police," Monroe laughs.

"I'll help you after I call a therapist for the poor guy. She was feelin' him up!" Ty adds.

"I think he might actually need a therapist, though," you say, bringing the conversation to a much more serious note. "He seems a little sad."

"I'd be sad too if a little troll was feeling my beautiful arms with her dirty hands. That's traumatic," Ty claims.

"Seriously, though. He seems exhausted all the time and he's not the same Daveed we met on the first day of filming. It's kinda sad if you ask me."

Everyone nods their heads in agreement. Something had to be done to figure out what was wrong with Daveed. Without him, there's no show.

The cameras started rolling when September suggested a relaxing day out by the pool. You all immediately changed into your bathing suits and went outside to soak up the sun. Daveed joined the party, blessing you all when he walked outside shirtless.

"Holy shi..." Ty chokes, nearly spitting out her lemonade. "Damn, Diggs!"

Daveed laughs and squeezes into Ty's beach chair. "You don't look too bad either," he says wrapping his arms around her.

You shoot her a smile and she nods before closing her eyes and leaning back into his chest. Unfortunately, Soccer ruins the moment by barking at Daveed and he wastes no time in bringing Soccer into the chair with him. There didn't seem to be anything this man wouldn't do for his dog.

Ty and Monroe eventually left to get in the water with September and Albany was listening to music with her eyes closed. It was you and Daveed. And Soccer.

"That color looks great on you," Daveed says, nodding at the peach bikini you had on under your sheer coverup. "I can barely see it under your little sweater, though."

You blush slightly because you knew what he was implying. "It's not a sweater, it's a coverup," you reply modestly.

"And it's one hundred degrees outside. I would hate for you to get heat stroke or something," he says, staring at you intently.

"I'm not taking it off unless I get in the water," you say, looking at your friends splashing around in the pool.

"I guess we're getting in the water, huh? It's the perfect day for this, Y/N." Daveed stood up and held out his hand.

You sigh and stand also, toying with the fabric of your coverup. Daveed gives you a look and you playfully roll your eyes before taking it off and tossing it onto your beach chair.

"Happy?" you ask, placing your hands on your hips and playfully modeling your bathing suit.

"I'm on top of the world, baby girl." He takes your hand and leads you into the refreshing water where your friends are waiting with a big splash.


A/N: First off, thank you so much for over 500 reads!!! Thanks for every comment, vote, read, whatever. I love all of you *blows kisses*

Second, school's starting again so I apologize if updates get slow:( I usually write a little in geometry class so we'll see how this goes.

More soon I hope hehe🦉

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