Q&A Answers♡

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You guys asked and I answered! Let's get into this...


1. Why did you write this book?

I was talking with some people in the comments (per usual) and we were arguing because we all wanted to be married to Daveed (per usual). Then someone suggested that we all be sister wives and I thought of that show on TLC. Then I was like "wouldn't it be cool if I wrote a book about something like that?" and here we are!

2. How did you feel when you first started writing this?

I thought it was going to flop. I really didn't have that many readers or followers before this and it made me so happy that people liked this story.

3. How do you practice writing?

Unfortunately, I don't get to write as much as I used to because school sucks, but you'll never get better at writing if you never write. It sounds crazy because you might think you're a bad writer already but you'll never be a good writer if you keep telling yourself that. Just a thought...

4. How did you find Wattpad?

I looked up Michael Jackson fan fiction on the internet and I got a Wattpad account to read a story I was interested in LOL

5. What are your fandoms and the order you joined them in?

I've been a Moonwalker (Michael Jackson stan) since I was seven years old. He's the love of my life. Then I became an Arianator (Ariana Grande stan), I love her soooo much. Then I found Hamilton and Daveed.

6. How did you find out about Hamilton/Daveed/clipping.?

I found Hamilton through my 8th grade history teacher who used it to teach us about the Revolution. Then she fell in love with Daveed and she'd even play some of his interviews in class. All I know is that he rapped "Taking Off" in one interview and I looked clipping. up and never looked back.

7. How many times have you listened to the Hamilton soundtrack?

Probably 283829292 times. Maybe...

8. Have you seen Hamilton and if so, with what cast?

I haven't seen Hamilton yet, but I will when it comes to my city for sure! I think I'm going around December. It'll be the Angelica Tour cast.

9. Who's your favorite character in Hamilton?

THIS IS MEAN. But I love Angelica because she's such a strong female and I love Laurens for his efforts in abolition. And Lafayette is a sweet little child who will turn around and take out redcoats like it's nothing what a mans!!

10. Jefferson or Lafayette?

THIS IS MEAN TOO. But Jefferson has a bigger impact on the show, in my opinion and he's sassy *snaps*

11. Who's your favorite cast member?

I love them all so much this is so mean. Anthony was my first love so I'll go with him.

12. Lin, Daveed, Anthony, or Groffsauce?


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