Behind the Scenes: Daveed's birthday

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A/N: This was a suggestion by xXGayNutterflyNerdXx and since it is Daveed's birthday, I thought why not! Enjoy this little filler!


Because you're absolute Hamilton trash and know everything about the cast and their mothers, you're not oblivious to the fact that Daveed's birthday is today. He never mentioned it at all to anyone and you assume he's just being modest.

"Good morning, girls!" the producer greets as you all settle down at breakfast. "As you know, it's Daveed's birthday and I have a little game for us to play."

Not another game, you think, remembering the mess that Rafael had made up.

"I hope you all like baking because you're all making Daveed a cake! I have cake mix and frosting on the counter but we'll have to share the oven. Are you ready?"

Since you didn't win the last game, you make it your mission to win this one. Baking wasn't a strength or a weakness for you so you think you have a pretty good chance.

"Get started!"

Everyone stands and runs to the baking supplies on the counter, frantically measuring ingredients and stirring things together. You finish your batter first and get first privileges for the oven.

"Whoa, what's going on here?" Daveed laughs with a sleepy smile. His voice is groggy but he still manages to send your heart into a backflip.

"Happy birthday!" you say. "You're even older than you already are."

"Wow, thanks, Y/N," he jokes, giving you a side hug. "Did the producer set this up?"

"Of course he did. Have a seat, relax, and wait for your cakes." You lead him to the table and make sure he sits down. Soccer takes his place under the table and waits for something to drop.

Once everyone's cakes are baked and decorated, you present them to Daveed who bursts out laughing. "These are amazing," he says, immediately pulling his phone out to take a picture. "Rafa never made me a cake and he's my best friend."

"Happy birthday, Daveed!" the producer exclaims, patting Daveed on the back. "Wow, girls, your cakes look great."

"Where did he come from?" Ty whispers in your ear.

You shrug. The producer has always been a mystery to you.

"I have another game!" he proclaims, pulling index cards from his back pocket. "Let's see who knows Daveed the best."

You know you'll ace this.

"I definitely know Daveed," Albany scoffs, winking at him. He winks back.

"She did rape Daddy! We didn't save him," Ty mumbles.

"Raise your hand when you think you know the answer! First question: who did Daveed play in the hit-"

"Lafayette and Thomas Jefferson," you blurt out.

"That was an easy question," the producer says, flipping through his notecards. "What's the name of the rap group-"


"Where did Daveed grow up-"

"Oakland! He's a Bay Boy, duh."

"Y/N is on her shit today," Daveed laughs, digging into the cake you made. "And she makes good cake too."

"Daveed had a role on this ABC comedy playing Tracee Ellis Ross's brother. What was the name-"

"Black-ish. That show is so funny."

"I think we can stop playing this," Daveed whispers to the producer, slowly taking the notecards out of his hands.

"I think you're right. Congratulations, Y/N. You know Daveed better than he knows himself," the producer chuckles.

"If I didn't, I couldn't call myself a fan," you reply. 

"Y'all come help me eat all this cake. I can't get fat by myself," Daveed comments, motioning you all to come join him at the table.

Albany basically shoves you out of the way to get the seat next to Daveed. You didn't even get mad at her; you don't have time for her today.

"I was thinking that we could have a little party outside today. It's not that cold outside so I expect to see Y/N in that cute little peach number," Daveed says, giving you a playful look.

"Anything for you, baby."

Albany gives you the dirtiest glare imaginable but you just grin back at her. She didn't like that but you don't like her so it's even.



Albany can kiss my ass:')

I hope you enjoyed this little one shot type of thing. I literally wrote this in about thirty minutes so it's not totally amazing. By the way, anything that happened in this little story won't have anything to do with the rest of the story.

Hopefully a chapter that's relevant to the plot is up soon! Happy birthday my sweet baby Daveed. What a bean wow🦉

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