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A/N: I changed some things around so this will just be your wedding lol. Enjoy the fluff while I sit and sob!


Ty smiles at you after you're finished admiring your reflection in the mirror. You hardly recognized yourself in this dress and makeup.

"You look beautiful," Ty whispers, taking your hand in hers. "I cannot believe you're marrying him."

"Me either. I'm so nervous," you confess before letting Ty's hand go.

"Why? You'll be fine!"

"I don't know. This is a huge deal. What if I, like...fall on my ass or something?"

"You won't fall. And if you did, you'd probably fall on your face, not your ass." She playfully slaps your butt and you swat her hand away.

"Thanks for the encouragement," you scoff.


There's a knock on the door and your heart nearly palpitates. It's only September.

"Hey, gorgeous, we're about to walk! Are you ready?" she asks. Her smile is usually enough to lift your spirits but today it doesn't do anything for you.

"Yeah. I think I'm ready," you reply shakily.

Ty hands you your bouquet and picks up your long, but moderate train. "Start walking, mama."

September holds the door open for you and you take shaky steps out of the room.

"You look so scared!" September cries, giving you a quick side hug. "You're marrying a god! I'd run down that aisle!"

"I know but this is crazy. I don't know what to do," you reply, forcing a smile. "I think I'm gonna cry."

"You're not allowed to cry yet! I'll see you when you're Mrs. Diggs, okay?" She smiles again and rushes to her place.

"Do you mind if I tape the entire ceremony and sell copies in the parking lot?" Ty asks, shifting her weight from one foot to the other.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because I want everyone to see this! This is history in the making. You guys are gonna be the next Beyoncé and Jay-Z or something. Except Daveed is actually good looking."

"Y/N, you should prepare to walk," the wedding manager says with a smile. "You look great."

"She's marrying Daveed, okay? And if she wasn't marrying him she'd be marrying me so fuck off," Ty snaps, picking your train up again.

"I think he was joking," you laugh, walking to the closed doors that opened to the crowd. You could see Daveed through the curtains.

"I don't care." She let your train fall and adjusted your veil before linking arms with you. "I love you so much and I'm so happy for you. You look like a goddess."

"I love you too. Thanks for being my maid of honor and for walking me down the aisle. You're the best."

"I would literally do anything for you so don't thank me. That's what best friends are for." She smiles as her eyes well up with tears. The sight of her crying makes you want to cry too.

The doors open suddenly and the crowd stands. You see Daveed and he looks like an emotional wreck. He smiles when your eyes meet and that's when the first tears fall from your eyes. The love of your life is down that aisle and he wants you as much as you want him.

Ty walks you to him and kisses your cheek before letting go of your arm. She turns to Daveed. "Take care of her or I'll hurt you."

"I won't let you down. I promise." He smiles and takes your hand after you hand Ty your bouquet.

She sits next to her girlfriend who smiles at you and laces her fingers with Ty's. Nothing made you happier than seeing your best friend happy.

"You look breathtaking," Daveed whispers, squeezing your hands. "I love you so damn much."

"I love you too," you reply. You don't even bother to wipe your tears. When he presents his vows to you, you absolutely loose it.

"Y/N, I don't even know where to start. You're literally the love of my life and the only reason I get up in the morning and sleep soundly at night. I regret doubting that you were the one for me because it's been you the moment you smiled back at me. I know a lot of people think that finding love on a TV show is fake and scripted but I want everyone to know that my love for you couldn't be more real. You're my whole heart and I would give anything and everything to guarantee you were mine forever. I love you so much."

When he slips that ring on your finger everything becomes real and he kisses you like he hasn't kissed you for years. He's your husband now and just knowing that he loves you makes you so happy. For some reason, it's all you've ever wanted.

After the ceremony, you're reunited with your friends and Ty cries all over again when she shows you the video she took. She also tapes you and Daveed's first dance and you and Daveed cutting your cake. The night goes by incredibly fast and before you know it, you and your new husband are able to share your first night together which, thankfully, wasn't caught on video.


You open your eyes when you feel an arm wrap around your waist and smile to yourself when you remember you've been married to Daveed Diggs for a week.

You glance at the wedding dress you refuse to stow away in a closet just to make sure it's real. Standing at the altar with his hands in yours was a surreal moment you will never forget.

Unfortunately, your honeymoon vacation had to be postponed until after a Love House reunion special.

"Good morning, baby."

His voice still makes your stomach turn upside down.

He buries himself in the crook of your neck and places a lingering kiss to it. How is this man real?

You lace your fingers with his and squeeze his hand tight. "We have to get up."

"Y/N, it's literally the butt crack of dawn." His face is still in your neck.

"Filming starts at eleven, my love. I know for a fact that if you don't get up, you'll never make it out of the house by eleven. Come on." You kick the covers off and attempt to get out of bed but Daveed holds you back.

"Five minutes," he groans.

You sigh and settle back into his chest. "Five minutes."



*incoherent screaming and sobbing*

Wow, does anyone have a moment to talk about our lord and savior DAVEED DIGGS?!

I cried writing this. His vows destroyed me. I can't breathe.

So that's it for this story! I can't believe it!!! Thank you so much for reading and sticking with this mess! I love you all so much and hopefully I'll see you in another story♡🦉

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