Ep. 16 "Elimination 3"

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I almost cried writing this so I know you guys might cry reading this. Please be prepared okay? Just saying...



Ty looks really frustrated when the camera comes into focus. She rakes a hand through her hair and sighs.

PRODUCER: Can I have your thoughts on Y/N's situation?

TY: I feel really sorry for her. I think I've felt sorry for her since day one. I know we haven't known each other for a long time but it feels like I've known Y/N forever. We get along really well and I think she deserves better.

That night, Daveed invites Rafael and his family over for a bonfire in his resort-like backyard. Ty forces you to put some jeans on so you look "presentable" especially since Rafael was coming over. You comply and even put makeup on to make sure Ty doesn't say anything else.

The summer air is warm and comforting as you walk outside to join the party. The sun is subtly dipping into the horizon creating strokes of pink and purple against the orange sky.

"Hey, Y/N!" Rafael is always the first to greet you.

"Hi, Rafa." You embrace him. "Where's Adrienne?"

"At home with the new baby. I keep asking if she wants me to help but she insists that I go out so I just brought Delilah along," he says, nodding toward his oldest daughter who was running around with Soccer. "How are you?"

"Um...I could be better," you admit.

"I know we just met a while ago, but if you need to talk about Diggs, just tell me. There's a lot of stuff going on." It was as if he knows what you're going through.

"Thanks." You grin and give Rafael another hug. You couldn't help yourself.

"Yas, girl! You look so cute! I told you the jeans would look good!" Ty cheers while applauding. "Hello, Rafael Casal."

"Hello, Ty," Rafael laughs. "Aren't there more of you?"

"I wish there weren't. Albany and Monroe should be down in a little bit. By the way, if anything pops off, I'm so sorry you'll have to see me fight someone," Ty says.

"Rafael's back!" Albany exclaims as she walks outside with Monroe. "Aw, and you brought your little girl! She's so precious!"

"Thank you." Rafael turns toward his daughter. "Delilah, come say hi to everyone, please."

Delilah gets up as soon as the words leave Rafael's mouth. "Hi," she says, twirling around in her sundress.

"Hi, princess! You look so pretty in your dress! Blue is my favorite color!" Albany coos, squatting down to meet Delilah's eyes.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Ty gags, holding her stomach.

"Are you entertaining my women?" Daveed jokes when he sees you all crowded around Rafael.

"Your women are entertaining me," he counters. "And Delilah."

"Diggs!" Delilah cries, instantly running into Daveed's arms.

"Y'all can forget about her because she's not coming back. Diggs is here now," Rafael says.

Daveed invites everyone to sit on the circular sofa and helps Rafael light the fire pit in the center. Delilah crawls onto Daveed's lap as soon as he sits down.

"Do you think Daddy would let me sit on his lap like that?" Ty asks.

"Are you serious?" you laugh.

"Why would I not be serious?"

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