Author's Note: Q&A ??

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Hi everyone! I'm still a mess from the epilogue but what else is new !!

I don't know if this will flop or not but I would love to do a Q&A! You can ask me anything you'd like and I'll do my best to answer. I do reserve the right to not answer questions if they're too personal or just straight up weird.

You can comment questions or you can PM me questions and I'll answer them Friday (which is my birthday so if you want to buy me Daveed or Rafa that'd be greatly appreciated)

If you happen to be reading this and June 2, 2017 has already passed, you can still ask me questions and I'll do my best to respond. They just won't be in the Q&A update.

When I answer them, they'll be anonymous just so you're aware :)

ANYWAY, have an amazing day/night/evening/afternoon/dusk/dawn!!! I love you guys to the moon and back again!

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