Ep. 25 "Who Hurt You?"

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Albany looks as if she's about to cry, oddly enough. She blinks and takes a few deep breaths.

PRODUCER: Final two, Albany! Congrats!

ALBANY: (nods) Yeah.

PRODUCER: How are you feeling right now? Things were pretty tense last time.

ALBANY: I'm fine. Just exhausted.

PRODUCER: You sure?

ALBANY: Yeah. Excuse me for one second, please.

Albany exits the frame.

"You must think I'm stupid, don't you?"

You bow your head and laugh to yourself as you pour cereal into a bowl. Albany never fails to ruin your day.

"What are you talking about?" you ask turning around to face her.

"I'm talking about Daveed."

"What about him?"

"The little game you're playing. I can see right through you."

"You're reaching, Albany," you sing as you pour milk into your bowl. "And it's painful."

"I'm not reaching!"

You ignore her and walk outside to the patio where Soccer is relaxing on a beach chair waiting for Daveed to return from his morning jog.

"How about you mind your own business, I'll mind my own business, and then whoever wins, wins! Does that sound okay?"

"No! It doesn't actually."

"Why not?" You sit down next to Soccer who crawls into your lap.

"Because you're crazy! I don't know what you're telling Daveed, but it's making me sick," she says, sitting across from you.

"I was thinking the same thing," you laugh. "I always wonder why Daveed is so into you."

"Because he loves me."

"Personally, I think he's keeping you here because you'd probably kill him if he sent you home."

"I swear-"

"Don't say anything because I promised Daveed I wouldn't fight anyone ever again and you're really pushing it," you say as you spoon cereal into your mouth.

"Seriously, Y/N, I don't appreciate you right now."

"Albany, who hurt you?"

She blinks at your inquiry. "What?" she stammers.

"Who hurt you?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what I said. Who hurt you?" you repeat.

"No one hurt me. I don't understand this question."

"Surely you're not rude to people because you want to be. Do you have a motive for winning this game? Why do you want Daveed to choose you?"

"Because I love him. What's the purpose of these questions?"

"I just want to know why you're so rude."

"I'm not rude, Y/N, I just know what I want," Albany claims.

"No, Albany, you're just rude. End of discussion. No one else has been this mean except you which is why I want to know your deal. Who hurt you?"

Albany smirks before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms defiantly, an action you've become used to.

"My personal life is none of your business," she says after a few moments of silence.

"You've made it my business so tell me."

"Why do you even care so much? I know you hate me."

"Hate is an extremely strong word. I don't hate you; I just don't particularly like you because you're a bitch," you explain simply. "But if something's going on with you, you need to tell someone."

"And why would I tell you?" she snaps.

"Your secret would die with me, Albany, I promise. Who would I tell? Daveed?" you laugh.

"I don't know but I don't want you knowing my business."

"But you've made it your mission to get under everyone's skin and get them eliminated. How come when I genuinely want to know what your deal is, you push me away?"

Albany shakes her head. "When do you 'genuinely want to know what my deal is'?"

"Right now."

The air thickens as you wait for her to say something. She never does.

"You may think I'm acting or something right now but this is bigger than this show. This is about you having an issue."

For a second it looks like Albany begins tearing up but Albany doesn't cry, right?

"Good morning, girls," Daveed greets, taking an earbud from his ear as he slows his jog to a walk. "Y'all are up early."

"Doesn't hurt to get a head start on your day, right?" you say, finishing up the rest of your cereal.

"No, you're totally right. Are you two hungry? I'll cook something real quick," Daveed offers, taking a seat near you and Albany. Soccer is quick to jump down from your lap and into Daveed's and he showers him with kisses.

"I just had cereal so I'm fine." You turn to Albany. "Are you hungry?"

"I'm fine," she says firmly.

"Are you okay?" Daveed asks, knitting his brows.

"Just tired." After that, she stands and walks inside the house without another word.

Daveed looks to you. "What's going on?"

"I just asked her if she was okay and then she got all weird on me. Do you happen to know something I don't?"

Daveed ruffles Soccer's fur with a sad expression before answering. "I may know what's going on."

"Well, you might want to investigate."

"I will."

He stands and presses a kiss to your forehead. "I'm going to be out for a while so watch your back, okay? If anything suspicious happens, tell me as soon as possible. And please don't let my dog run the house. He's quite territorial." Daveed hands Soccer back to you and kisses you one more time before going inside.



This was boring as hell I apologize.

Can you believe there's only a few chapters left I'm sobbing. But I have something absolutely amazing planned next and I'm so excited.

More soon!🦉

P.S. thanks for 21k *blows kisses*

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