Ep. 23 "Elimination 4"

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Monroe drops her suitcases on the floor before reluctantly sitting on the stool. She crosses her legs.

PRODUCER: Feelin' better, Monroe?

MONROE: Yeah, I guess.

PRODUCER: Why are you packed up? The elimination hasn't started yet.

MONROE: It's obvious I'm going home. Daveed and I have no chemistry whatsoever. I like him but he's not interested in me.

PRODUCER: Never say never, you know?

MONROE: Sure, but it's Daveed Diggs.

PRODUCER: Do you have any regrets? Is there anything you think you could've done to prolong your time here?

MONROE: Nope. I've been a joke the entire time.

You can't help but feel a little sorry for Monroe while standing out on the patio waiting for Daveed. She had been your friend at a point and no one likes seeing their friends upset.

Then you remember that she took Albany's side on every argument and the pity disperses.

Daveed arrives with two flowers and a solemn expression. It seems as if eliminations hurt him more than the contestants.

"Hey, everyone," he says, forcing a smile. "It's that time again."

You're not too worried but you're not sure how Monroe will react to her elimination. You know it's coming and you know she knows as well.

"Since there's literally only three of you, I'll just call the one who isn't getting a tulip."

Monroe hangs her head in shame as the suspense thickens.

"I'm sorry, Monroe, but I'm sending you home."

It's dead silent as Daveed hands you and Albany a tulip. Monroe doesn't look up from the cobblestoned ground for anything.

"You're a great girl, Monroe," he says, gripping her by the shoulders. "You keep doing you, alright?"

"Yeah." She looks at him during that response and then lets her head fall again.

"I'll see you two at dinner tonight. It's gonna be really special." Daveed winks at you and Albany before walking inside as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

"First off, fuck you, Albany," Monroe snaps as soon as the back door closes. "You lied to me!"

"Girl, you trusted me," Albany snickers, waving her away dismissively. "I'm not gonna sit here and argue with you so goodbye."

"Don't you dare walk away from me! Come back!"

Monroe speedwalks after Albany dispite the fact that they're both wearing platform heels. You went for a more causal look today, donning your white Converse. You knew you weren't going home so why get dressed up?

"I told you that I'm not arguing with you," Albany repeats as the cameramen situate around them. You're simply watching from your seat at the kitchen table.

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