Almost at 100k ?!

2.4K 45 18

It's been a long time since I've updated this book wow I'm crying.

Every time I check back and read yall's comments I cry and all the love I get makes me cry you guys are wonderful I'm crying right now !!

So this book is almost at 100k and I really wanna do something for you guys since this obviously wouldn't be happening without you! I could go live on my Instagram account emmyandluna (pm me your user if you follow me so I accept you) or I could write a holiday Daveed one shot since it's December?? Comment suggestions because I've got nothing.

Make sure you have my announcement book in your library because I'll be posting more updates about the little 100k party there for now on.

Anyways, thank you all so much for letting this book get so far and if you read "Faith" an update is coming as soon as I get time, I promise!!♡

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