#LoveMe Tag

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A tag I forgot to do a long time ago by my friend @Warrior_Fangirl


Learning to love myself.

1. Why are you doing the #LoveMe Challenge?

To tell myself no matter what I  am me and no one can say otherwiser and I should love myself more

2. What is a positive word that describes you?

Crazy. That is posstive. I am crazy. And I love being crazy.

3. What would you write to the past you?

Mother knows best, listen to you mumsy

4. What would you write to the future you?

Never stop pursuing a dream, even if everyone else says you can't do it

5. What is an object that is yours and you love?

Uh ... my tawny colored Mane Coon cat named Tawney (I miss him 😭 no he didn't die we gave him away)

6. Make up a quote about beauty.

Beauty isn't defined by makeup on the outside, for beauty comes from within, the person on the inside, who you are.

7. What is a fear you've overcome?

That no one is going to break into the house if I have my back turned to the window (XD) I was young, lived in a house where people would walk through out yard, long story.

8. What is something you like about yourself?

My butt, idk I just like it, its my best asset •-•

9. What is something that makes you beautiful?

My eyes, I mean they are a beautiful type of hazel that change from different greens and browns depending on what I wear.

10. What is something you love to wear?

My turquoise Sonoma jacket with knitted hood Its so comfy and I have had it forever.

11. What makes you unique?

Um, my birthmark on my thigh and every so often freckles

12. What makes you happy?

God and Jesus!

13. What makes you laugh?

Corny and cheesy jokes, puns and riddles.

14. What makes you feel beautiful?

Um, my beautiful, soft shiny hair and mascara

15. Tag 5 people.

Anyone who reads this!

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