The Saddest Biggest Lie Ever

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There is one lie everyone keeps telling others.

Be yourself.

How can someone be themselves and then get knocked down for being who they are?

That is what is happening to me right now.

Being on the internet and going with the crowed is so easy, they don't know who you truly are.

On the other hand, it's easier for me to be myself around people irl, and yes there are a few people who I am myself around...

I mean I am trying to be myself, there are certain parts about my self I had hid since I can on here.


There is way to much being beat down.

People really need to get out a dictionary and start reading before you go accusing someone who they are not.

From experience being on here, putting certain things about myself ... I feel like it was a mistake. I should have just kept it to myself.

And here I am ranting again over what?


At least I have God and that is all I really need (besides my amazing friends who are always there for me, like I am with them 😘 )

But I just need to get this off and this is the only way I can.

I don't know why I don't feel motivated to do anything anymore. I just don't have it in me to keep being myself, someone who most people hate ...

But eh, I wish I was not an overly sensitive person ... that is pretty much my fatal flaw. I cry over everything that happens ... and I mean everything, I am not joking, I am crying right now for many reasons that are so silly.

But I guess that is who I am ... and I should try and change that ... even though it will never ... I can always try ....

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