Camp Meeting for Meh

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I will not be much on staring like at seven tomorrow until next Sunday

So this is my schedule pretty much

Tuesday: there isn't night meeting at seven and then we go to bed

Wednesday: we wake up like around seven am and have to meet up with our group by eight, so really depending on how long it takes I will porbs be off and on until 10 am. We have Horseback Riding and repelling and some rock climbing and that last until 5 pm when we come back. Again at 7 we meet again. Then we stay up a little later chatting and so forth then we go to bed.

Thursday: We wake up again at seven, meet by eight leave and this takes longer but we have to leave our phones on the bus then take another one for canoeing and swimming in the river I think it's in Oklahoma or another play around Gentry at until 5. Then meeting at seven and we go to bed.

Friday: The same routine in the morning this time it's lake day for swimming and tubing. Stay until five, then get ice cream at Brahms, meeting at seven and to bed.

Saturday aka Sabbath for me: I will have time to be on. Sabbath school is like at its regular time, ten, but we go early after breakfast. It lasts until 12 because we have a sermon done by the speaker then we don't meet again until seven and we stay up even later than they others

Sunday: check out it as 10 and we usually leave by noon after we back up, and I will be on pretty much all day Sunday.

Now times may be iffy it depends. I will post pictures and say what had happened and what were the meeting.

I will be on as much as I can but don't freak out if I don't reply that quickly or at all during those time frames.

I will not answer because you know why I am.

So yeah, it's going to be so much fun.

So please take it easy I will do my best to keep up and do challenges to the best I can when I get free time.

But I do want to spend time with my friends who I haven't seen in a year.

We keep up via text and phone call so yeah

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