My Sister

46 6 17

Gosh, my sister is being such a you-know-what. So far, all she has done is be nasty to me and she gets away with it! I tell her once to not boss me and moms like stop arguing but when Kyra (my sister) says it it's no big deal. MOM TOLD ME TO TELL YOU TO DO SOMETHING. And then she says she didn't hear mom say that when she tells me to tell my sister.

Plus she is the laziest person ever. I'm doing everything around the house for mom while my sister does nothing. Zip. Nada. Zero. Zilch. She just sits there, on her phone, taking pictures of herself. She acts like this angel when she isn't.

Everyone IRL thinks when something bad happens or someone gets punished, it's me. I'm like, why me? I'm the good little angel who is always honest and sweet. I don't get it. Why sister is the bad one. I just don't understand.

Ugh, another lame rant by me about my dumb butt sister.

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