Failure, That's What I Am

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1. lack of success.

"an economic policy that is doomed to failure"

2. the omission of expected or required action.

"their failure to comply with the basic rules"

Most people this of failure as not winning a game, or failing on a test, or failing their parents expectations, or not making a deadline and so forth.

By the definition of failure that is failing. Many things can be classified as failure, of course, we all have different ideas of failure..

But with those you always have a another opportunity to succeed the next time.

If you fail a test, yes that is bad but you have a chance to fix it the next test and studying. You can strive harder, learn what you failed at and make it better, it isn't a failure where you can't turn back. You can, you just got to try.

If you fail your parents expectations you can always make it up to them. You can meet it, yes it will take lots of time, but you will get there soon. It might be hard, yes, you it is doable.

If you fail a game, yes that isn't the best, you might not go on to the big game, become a pot all-star, but you do have a chance at achieving it. You can make it there, you might need to work a little harder, you can win the next game.

If you fail at cooking, you can always try again, yes you may waste some ingredients, but it's not the end of the world, you always can keep trying.

There is always a next time in most failures, like the ones I had said, it doesn't mean it's the end of the world, it's just a set back, one you can get over.

But one thing leads to the worst failure to those who have experienced it, mainly trying to stop or help.

Depression, it's something no one can cure. You have to cope with it. You can take medicine to get it away, though it may help manage it, it won't take it away.

No matter what you say, or what you do, nothing can change what it is. There are many things that can't be changed, though most don't have deadly consequences.

The one this that I count as a failure is: Not saving someone from suicide.

Now I'm talking for experience.

You may say you tried, you did your best, you couldn't do more, you said everything that could be said, did everything you could. Don't beat yourself up about it. You have to move on, dwelling on the past won't help.


I could have tried more. I would have did more. I could have did my best even more. I could have said more things. If I would have seen it sooner I could have helped more. If I get pressing when I knew they were lying about how they were feeling, I could have saved them. What if I spotted it sooner. What if I made more effort. What if I just did more than I had. What if I would get on a plane, fly to here their at and physically be there for them.

There are all the what if's, if's and could have's, replaying in your mind. You go over everything that had happened and seen where you went wrong.

You can learn from it, but that is one thing that is bad to learn from the "failure" you had did.

The sad thing is, we can do everything in our power to stop, we can only pray and show love to everyone. Tell others we care about them, that we are their friends, even if they done think we are, we are.

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