Depressed - Update

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I am probably on the brink of losing it. 

So I got yelled at for a good long while  for something I did not do. Yesterday my mom, sister and I had gone to get my sister and I new undergarments. So with my dad we have to show him the receat  (I think that who's it's spelled, only I don't care any more you know what it is, I can't spell today) to show we paid the exact  money he gave us. 

Anyways, she gave me the receat was i put it in the bag like she said. So today she was gathering them all up to show dad, she couldn't find them. So she started to yell at me asking where I was. I said I didn't know. She She got really mean, called me some names, told me I will never go to college and make it misplacing things like I do. Which I don't do that. I was maid to look through the trash bins to find them, so I did, I didn't find them. She yelled at me some more, blamed he for the way dad is going to act towards her. Blame it all on me as usual. 

I felt so low, like I didn't matter, like all my trying to find them was nothing at all. 

To clarify she blames us, mainly me for everything that goes missing. Then she finds it and remembers she put it somewhere never apologizes for yelling at us and grounding us. 

I can do nothing to please her, it's always my fault, main reason I am the way I am, always treading lightly on everything I say. 

I don't know what else to do. It's practically everyday so far I get yelled at. 

She doesn't make herself clear on where to get what she wants when she moves everything around. She will swear up and down she did, but she didn't, then she accuses us of making her think she is crazy, calls me dumb, yells at me and makes me find it on my own, but while doing that she yells at me for not getting in the right places. 

I do everything the way she says to do it and it is never good enough for her. 

I can't take much more, I honestly can't, I just can't, I want things to go better, they never get better, they just get worse. 

I literally just want to go to sleep and not wake up or move far away, neither will ever happen. 

I'm losing it, I just want to sit in a corner and just cry a river, I'm so done with everything, I'm past my breaking point. 

I also got yelled at for not coming to her when things happen. She is like that is what I'm hear for to tell your problems to and help.

I'm 18, I'm not going to go to my mom tell her I've been demeaned by a kid younger than me and ask for her help, I'm sorry, that is pathetic. 

I have no opinion, I have to agree with her I have to lie and say things I know she will like just got her not to get mad at me and tell me I'm not taking her side. I have to agree with her on everything. If I don't she threatens to kick me out. 

I know she is stressed out with dad, but taking it out on us isn't helping no one.

So I am fine ranting for now, I don't know what else to do or say.


She found it it was in the caddy with all the bills, and she apologized for the first time for blaming me, I'm still mad, yes she forgave her, I'm still mad. 

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