Goodbye 2016 and Hello 2017!

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This year has flown by so fast well it had felt like forever when it was going on but now its been so long.

Oh course this year I had so many family problems and ones happening in my life. But with God he always gets us through it.

Now I just want to say a little bit about my friends on this amazing site!

-Tord_The_Lord-  MY SISTER! You were honestly my first friend, best friend on this site. You are one of the people I love. I told you my secrets and you will always be my friend.

RP__QUEEN Ah you are my sexy smol bean (you know what I'm talking about) You are just an amazing funny person I love you! We love EAH and talk and ship about it you are amazing.

PoeticPrincess317 You are my BEST FANGIRLING GAL AROUND. You give me up to dates on everything i like. Your funny and awesome and the one person I like to blow up my PM inbox

Jwolfx You are one of my best friends that's a boy on here and everywhere. Your stories are amazing! We share so many things and your always there for me too.

Vanessak11 My bestie, you are amazing. We've known each other for a long time and I love reading your stories they are amazing.

CalvinWerewolf You my friend, Kitty, you were my FIRST friend ever on the web fanfiction the first website like this. You were the first ever so comment on my crappy fanfiction which I am making them better, but you are amazing.

crayola32 I know we really just RP but its fun RPing with you. I love how detailed you are when we RP. I would love to get to know you better.

PjoReynaHoo REYNA I adore your stories and I hope this next year i get to know you so well and we become great friends

genocidalManiac You my friend, we share so many of the same thing especially beliefs which is so weird but your amazing and weird just like me

ThatMarvelGirl you are awesome. You are another one of my good friends. We love the same things and I love RPing with you too. I love talking to you.

MysticallySweetCandi You are just a doll. We have so much in common we talk all the time. I'm always there for you like you are there for me. May 2017 be nothing but the best for you.

Offic_MayaEficent_ you my bestie are amazing girl! I love your stories and RPs they are just so much fun! I love talking to you and your RP i know will be amazing! I love you bestie

FanfictionQueen123 You are so wonderful. I love your fanfictions especially Carlos De Vill X Readers are amazing

xElsa_Arendellex You girl are one of my best friends. You are am amazing person. I love talking to you. I am lucky to have met you.

JazzyCupcake2287 You girl Page will be an official ship, I wonder ehat their kids will be ... anyways your so awesome and i love RPing with you so much.

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