RIP Flute

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This chapter is dedicated to Sarah, who lost her beloved flute in a fire at school. It had been her pride and joy, it had been with her though so much, gave her smile as she played it. But now those are all memories. No human begin was hurt in the fire as she said, just the school, her flute and probs the piano, no, not the piano to, like Sarah said, this is to much for her. She wants that flute back, it's irreplaceable. It was her child. So, Sarah I just want to say, I will be here for you in your deepest trouble, may you remember all the happy times with it. 

I love you platonically Sarah my Vampire friend (heh inside joke)  I will always be here for you. 

(Legit this isn't a joke, I would not joke, just ask Sarah or even better look it up on the Romanian news, IDK what city, IDK if they will talk about it. But she is very upset, who wouldn't be, so no jokes people, it's not funny) 

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