Family Dilemma

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Okay, so here is the deal.

My mom like last year had gotten her teeth pulled. The reason why is because she had silver fills since high school, and they have to be taken out and he put in. But mom never had it done, she got pregnant with me, so then after that it started to rot her teeth.

So when she had got them pulled out, it was done by someone we know who does that stuff. He didn't get them all out. He left I think two full roots and three partial roots in her right lower jaw.

For the longest time we had no idea why mom was so sick, why she had such a bad infection and her face was always so swollen. Now we know why as said right above.

Mom kept asking for X-ray's to be taken, but the guy who pulled out the teeth never did. So now she had been living with all this pain since August of last year.

And the only place that can do the surgery that is close is in Texas. But unfortunately it will probably cost  over $5,000 dollars, but we don't had that much. We don't even have half. My dad says the insurance only pays for $1,500. So we have no idea what we are going to do.

We have to have it done or she will die (that's how bad the infection is)  out bio dentist said she will because of how bad it is and how much it is spreading I believe.

So please pray somehow we get the money to be able to pay for it. Mom really needs it but we can't pay for it.

Plus we have to stay in a hotel for IDK how long and it's really expensive to.

Life sucks, it really does.

So please just keep us in your prayers.

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