Lake Day

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Yes, Friday was lake day, and it was awesome.

So we were still in Arkansas, Springdale, it the lake here for swimming and tubing. We really didn't swim so we kinda hung around and talked.

We did go tubing, which was so much fun.

They should really make it an official sport, they were going to fast, we were going all over the water. The water was in our faces and we were laughing and trying to hold on.

I played volleyball, but it's been a few years since I've played it, but I did pretty good. I did dive a few times to make sure it didn't hit the sand, and it ended up hitting anyways, but hey, we had fun.

Tip to stay on longer cross your arms across each other. It really works and is better for holding on.

So anyways, I was with Madalyn, and she is tall so it wasn't quite working that well since I'm so short. I did fall off a few times. But it was fun.

When I was with her we hit a wave and we went into the air and down, but the way we came down pulled us off the tube. So in the process I lost my swim bottoms. Yes I had nothing on for my lower half. I was laughing so hard, so was Madalyn. I did get them and out them back on, which I'd do backwards so I hate to fix it. So they came over after I out them on. It was hilarious, because if I did lose them, I wouldn't know what I would do. Madalyn said she would let me wear her shorts, since she wears two of them, and they fit me.

So after that, I tubed a few more times, I did ended up biting the inside of my lip and it started to bleed, this was at the same time I was on with Natalie and she also bit her lip and it started to bleed

But it worked well with Natalie since we're the same size, height and arm length. So we went so far and it was so much fun.

Summer, oh my, she stayed on the whole time, by herself, and Derock and Jordan (my crush, who is my age BTW) got knocked off while Summer was still on.

After all that, we went to get once cream at Brahms, so I had mind chocolate chip and Madalyn had birthday cake, we took a few pictures. She photo bombed me XD but forgive me, I put spray on sunscreen in my hair for the top of my head and it was still wet.

 She photo bombed me XD but forgive me, I put spray on sunscreen in my hair for the top of my head and it was still wet

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She is such an amazing friend, I love her, if you can't see, she has some light purple hair under her hair. She also has a wattpad account, which I didn't know until Thursday XD
So yes, I will get her username and make a whole chapter about her.

But yeah, it was so much fun.

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