I'm a Mental Nut Case

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Okay, well, the title may or may not be true. I know it's true, but hey, it's just me.

Another tag, whoop

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Another tag, whoop

1) I have no self esteem whatsoever. It's like zero. There may be like .01% somewhere, I must find it

2) I love to write, it's the best way to focus on something else other than my personal life

3)  Wednesday I had my first cannoli from Whole Foods and I love it!

4) I am trying to get better at drawing boys since mine look like crap right now, same goes for girls

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4) I am trying to get better at drawing boys since mine look like crap right now, same goes for girls. But oddly I am find with drawing clothes... it's weird

5) I have like four huge folders full of books and papers that have all my fashion designs in them from when I started, I was like 5?

6) I jumped off the high dive and swam in 12 ft. water when I was five, natural swimmer, many said I was a mermaid or fish

7) I played Queen Esther in a small play we put on at our church one Sabbath afternoon, who happens to be my favorite Bible person and book.

8) I had my first big role acting in my church's kids choir and skit when I was seven and I mean this was a solo for both acting and singing

9) I always help out with anything out church puts on with kids, since I love them so much and it's so awesome to see young kids so on fire for Jesus and God, ready to sing and learn. It's really a blessing.

10) I gave my life to Jesus and was baptised when I was 5 years old, at the end of VBS. Everything they asked, I knew the answer to, mainly because I grew up in the church and had a good Christian life at home. And I'm so proud if it, because I'm a child of God! Even though sometimes I struggle with things all Christian teens struggle with. (Mainly obeying my mom, it's so hard sometimes)

11) I've never been out of the USA, the only places in the US I've been is, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee and soon Texas at the end of this month for my mom's oral surgery appointment

12) I, as a kid, could never say flamingo, so I always said minga. And still to this day, I will always say mingo instead of flamingo, it's so much work JK JK

13) I have this weird thing where sometimes I make up crazy little songs while I do random house hold chores or really anything. Plus I will talk or sing in a weird crazy voice when I feel like it.

As for tags, nope, anyone who wants to do it can.

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