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I'm so sorry this is late, I never got around to post it

So, we went canoeing, me for was so much fun. I was with my best friend Summer and we are just amazing together. It was so smooth and fun.

Maddie and C.C. was calling Summer and I her grandmas, so we were calling them our grandchildren. The Summer was being funny and said she felt bad for their parents, our children, and I just burst out laughing.

A few canoes got tipped over but it wasn't anyone's fault but the river. It was so full and we were in Missouri! So sore days before we can they had a massive flooding of the river. Sadly the place where we would always jump off at has washed away and was nothing but trees *cries*

Anyways, we pushed each other into the water, there was this place that was flowing really good, Alexis, Madalyn and I walked across there after many failed attempts and floating away.

Madalyn and I were joking around and she was like let's get the boys to do what we were going. We weren't really going to, well Madalyn was.

So anyways were we're sitting on the banks and talking. We were talking about C.C. okay, so we don't like her. So the day before her sister tried to commit suicide and was in the hospital, she was there and all laughing and smiling. And we all would be distraught if something like that happened to us. But she was just flirting with every boy, and there wasn't that many. She wasn't very nice so yeah, we don't like her. She is very all that, she is very rude and mean.

So after that we just kept canoeing and we all splashed each other with out paddles, it was so much fun.

I did get sunburned. I didn't mean to, I out on a lot of sunblock. But unfortunately only one kind works for me so I got burned. I was in pain, I also got my knees beat up by the rocks.

But I'm okay, and had so much fun, my sunburn is turning into a tan so yeah! I'm no longer a pale person.

So that's pretty much all that happened. We did talk but it was mainly just singing random songs and having fun.

PS. If I remember anything else I will post it.

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