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So I will not be able to be on here when ever I want. Why? My mom is limiting my phone usage because its a new year and she doesn't want me on my phone that much. Mind you she doesn't know I have Wattpad. So i will be off at 9 pm central time and I won't be on in the mornings until after our devotional time which when ever she gets around to it most days. Also she will lock up my phone and hide the meys so we don't know where they are at.

I'm so upset about this. I'm 18 ... but no as long as I'm still living under her roof I have to abide my her rules. But this isn't what I had in mind. 

But let's see how long this last.

So if you tag me and I mever reply after a few days its one something bad had happened two i got my phone taken away for crazy little things half the time I never do or don't do.

So please don't be mad if i don't reply for a couple hours,its not be its my mom and her rules.Thanks for uunderstanding.

Love you guys,


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