Can Someone Tell Me If I Did Something Wrong?

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Okay so like the title I need you're opinion.

My sister and I were going to get the mail at the post office since we have a PO Box. Mom had a slip for a parcel the day before so I stood in the line for packages. My sister got a slip for overflow for the mail. She stood in the line for buyinh stamps and that sort of thing. So I told her she could come over to the door I was at. She said no that's not that place to be for it. And I'm like yes it is. So I got the package and she hasn't moved but two people. I brought it out to the van and mom asked where was my sister. So I told her in line waiting to get the mail with everyone else for stamps and stuff. Abd mom's like she needs to go to the door I was at. So I went back in and told her, I told you so and mom said and she got all mad. And I did tell her I was older for the fact at that she should have listened to me. I made sure to keep my voice to a whisper. Then my sister tells our mom what happened and I get chewed out and have to apologize for it.

Then when we did get home I was saying how I needed to get my lesson done and she is like you need to do it after your shower. And I said You're not my boss. Then she said do you want me to tell mom what you just said. And I'm like I said it in a soft way. Then I helped fix the couch and out of the blue she said, do you ever know how to be nice.

I'm like I didn't say anything! I'm always nice. I'm always doing things for you when you ask. But you never do anything for me! Like how is that fair!

So tell me did I do something wrong? I don't believe I did anything wrong.

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