Chapter VI

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**A/N: Hey guys!! I finally updated chapter six! Yay! I survived my first week back to school after winter break and I had A LOT of homework!! But I can update now... so... here ya go! First Piper chapter!! enjoy! 😊

Wait... I have to say this:


and this:

I want to dedicate this chapter to partygirl237 for voting, and reading my fanfic, for following me, and for writing AWESOME fanfics!!! Thank you!!!! :)

okay, NOW read!!!! :)

VI- Piper

Piper wasn't particularly in the mood for reruns of her life. But when did she ever get anything she wanted as a demigod?

It kind of started out like déjà vu, especially when Leo served tacos for lunch, tofu for Piper. Piper couldn't help smiling, the memories of her, Leo, and Jason's quest to rescue Hera coming back to her.

Jason noticed her smile, and asked, "Why are you smiling?"

Piper shrugged, still smiling. "Just... remembering."

Jason frowned. "Remembering what?" He looked at the tofu taco in Piper's hand and a smile spread across his face. "Oh."

Piper sighed, staring at her taco. "Remember when everything was so... simple?"

Percy snorted. "Yes. Man, if only it stayed that easy. The quests, training, camp... it was so much more easier and peaceful back then."

Annabeth nodded. "Even when Kronos attacked Manhattan, it seems a lot easier now that we're... well, here."

Randomly, a cold blast of wind drifted through the air, causing Piper to shiver. She suddenly had a bad feeling, and glanced at Jason. He seemed to be having similar thoughts.

"Get. Away!" Frank's firm voice broke the eerie silence that had settled over the six demigods.

Jason was immediately on his feet, rushing up to the deck, Piper soon at his heels. She beat Jason to the deck and leaned out of the doorway that led outside, trying to see what was attacking Frank without "it" seeing her.

A blast of wind smacked her in the face as she peered out on deck. Ignoring the wind drying her eyes, she studied the scene in front of her.

Frank was backed against the mast, his bow notched and aimed at the enemy in front of him.

Upon seeing the attacker, Piper nearly rolled her eyes at how repetitive her life could be. There, standing (er... more like floating) in front of Frank, was a certain annoying anenimoi thalluea that went by the name of Dylan.

Jason sighed when he caught sight of Dylan. "Him again?"

Piper was sure Dylan would have heard Jason's sigh, let alone what he said, but Dylan was too busy taunting Frank.

"You know that bow won't work on me, Zhang." Dylan went on. "I'm wind, literally. That bow will pass right through me!"

Was it Piper's imagination, or did Dylan seem unconvinced about what he just said?

Apparently, Frank saw it too, because he raised his bow. "Well, why don't we find out?" He let the arrow fly, aiming straight at Dylan's chest.

Piper waited for Dylan to explode into dust, or simply vanish, but Dylan's body simply dispersed into the wind, and reappeared a little farther from Frank. "Oh, well. Guess it didn't work." Dylan taunted. He grinned, showing those blinding white teeth Piper remembered from the Wilderness School.

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