Chapter XXXV

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XXXV- Percy

As soon as the giants had arrived, Percy was ready for Polybotes.

If the giant wanted a rematch, Percy was going to give it to him. He was going to prove to Polybotes that he had made a mistake picking a fight with Percy.

Percy was surprised Polybotes hadn't already learned his lesson back in New Rome, but considering the fact that Polybotes had chased him around Tartarus, Percy figured the giant didn't quite like losing to a demigod and a statue's head.

Percy didn't stop fighting once the giants had showed up; Polybotes seemed to be intent on watching Porphyrion fight Jason and Thalia; that is, until Porphyrion shooed his brother away.

"Styx," Percy cursed as he stabbed a dracanae, focusing more on the advancing giant than the monster he had just killed. He turned to Annabeth, who was fighting nearby. "Polybotes coming."

Annabeth nodded, immediately understanding. "Go. We'll be fine here." She gave him an encouraging smile.

Percy sent her a grin before turning to face the giant, who seemed to be searching the battlefield for him.

"Hey, Poison Breath!" Percy called out, hoping to catch the giant's attention.

Polybotes turned, his eyes locking with Percy's. "Son of Neptune," he spat, eyes full of hate and disgust.

"It's Poseidon, actually," Percy shot back.  

Polybotes took a step forward, each reptilian leg stomping into the ground sent a tremor through the earth. "Does it look like I care?" The giant asked, dangerously calm. "You defeated me, and I do not lose to a demigod."

"Hate to correct you," Percy said. "But you kind of do. You just admitted it yourself."

Polybotes roared and took another step forward. Percy could feel his strength already leaving him, just by being near the giant; but Percy couldn't let that show.

Polybotes raked a hand through his green hair, pulling out the basilisks Percy just absolutely loved. The giant tossed the three snakes in Percy's direction, and the basilisks hissed at him, white spikes spreading around their necks.

Percy backed up warily as the middle snake blew a stream of fire, scorching the grass. He remembered what happened to Frank's bow when Frank had faced these things, and kept himself from stabbing the snakes with Riptide; he didn't want his only sword to be reduced to ashes.

The basilisks didn't look too intent on attacking; they simply circled around Percy, hissing and occasionally breathing fire. 

Percy looked around; surely there must be something he could use to defeat Polybotes. A small lake sat nearby, but Percy knew how Polybotes loved to turn water into poison. The lake would have to wait.

Polybotes glared down at Percy. "Looking over your options, son of Poseidon?" He spat out his father's name like it was poison. "Don't have any, do you? Not even your dad is coming to save you."

Percy knew that last statement couldn't be farther from the truth. He had faith that Poseidon would come; he just didn't know when. "Shut it, Polybotes!" Percy called up. "Talking only stalls your death, you know."

Polybotes growled. "I'd have to say the same about you, Poseidon-spawn."

"Which one of us has been killed before?" Percy questioned. "Oh, yeah. You. Ready to die again?"

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