Chapter XVIII

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A/N: Hey, guys! Here's chapter 18!

Dedicated to Skylar_Jackson for being the first to comment the correct answer!! Thanks to everyone else who commented as well!

Disclaimer: I own nothing (still dreaming)... credit to Rick Riordan!! :)




Leo was really starting to get annoyed by fire.

It seemed like, throughout his entire life, that destructive element has done nothing but taunt him, torment him.

Not only was it the reason his mom was no longer in the land of the living, but it's been the main subject of his dreams for years, the curse that separates him from his siblings, and the reason he and his friends had to leave Hazel behind.

Not to mention the fact that the Argo II was burning down because of fire, faster than Percy could put it out.

As the trireme took to the air, the half-bloods below wouldn't give up. Their archers continued their constant volley of flaming arrows, each one embedding itself in the siding of the Argo II, many of them fairly close to hitting Leo or his friends.

As Leo played with the controls at the helm, trying to find a safe place to take refuge, he could just barely see his friends rushing about the deck.

Frank was returning the enemy archers' favor, arrow after arrow firing down at them, each one hitting its mark.

Percy was trying his best to keep the flames from spreading, summoning water from any source he could find, though the inferno was spreading fast as more and more fiery arrows hit the trireme.

Jason was flying around the mast, calling down lightning to scorch the half-bloods below.

Annabeth was helping Percy with the fire, dragging buckets filled to the rim with water from a sink below deck.

Piper was at the railing, shouting down commands using that oh-so-helpful Charmspeak of hers. Leo couldn't help but smile as she shouted out her comments, "Hey, you're shoe's untied! He called you ugly! Your pants fell down!"

Before long, many of the demigods were firing angry words at each other, rather than firing flaming arrows at the, six.

Soon, the Argo II left the half-bloods in the dust, and the Seven were safely flying to a safer place, somewhere they could plan their next move without being shot at by fiery weapons of some sort.

Only after they landed securely on the ground did Leo allow himself to relax. Without realizing it, he had been tensed up since they had left Gaea's forge. Then again, who wouldn't be when they were being chased through Athens by an angry horde of half-bloods?

Jason flew down from the mast, looking exhausted from summoning so much lightning. Percy looked similarly, but he had succeeded in stopping the flames. Nothing was left besides a few scorch marks on the deck and siding.

Leo sighed in relief, "Safe. For now, at least." He glanced up at the sky. Judging the position of the Sun, Leo figured it was late afternoon, probably around three. He knew they couldn't stay the night on the Argo II. They had to get back out to find Hazel. She could be hurt... then again, spending a day with Pygmalion could not be good for anyone's health.

"So..." Frank started, staring off at the city of Athens in the distance. "What now?"

"We have to find out a more specific location to find Hazel," Annabeth stated. "We need to find her."

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