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By the time the sun went down, all giants had been defeated.

The demigods were still fighting off the remaining monsters, so all that was left to fight was Gaea herself.

The earth goddess was no where to be seen, and that worried Jason. Gaea could be planning something big, something the demigods wouldn't expect.

They would just have to be ready for anything.

Weapons clashed as Jason fought against a telekhine, trying his best to avoid getting scratched by its claws. He ducked under the monster's sword, then jumped up and kicked it in the chest, sending the telekhine stumbling backward. Jason drew back his sword, stabbing it down.

Not staying to watch the monster turn to dust, Jason turned and ran, looking for another opponent. He joined a couple of Demeter's sons in their fight against two Cyclopes. Once they were killed off, Jason ran on, cutting down more and more monsters as he went.

There wasn't an end to it all. The monsters just kept coming and coming. All around Jason, demigods were fighting; dying. None were giving up though, and Jason didn't intend to either.

He would fight to his last breath if he needed to.

Around a half-hour after sundown, Leo found him, his eyes burning with anger and fear. He looked Jason in the eye, and said the two words Jason had been both dreading and anticipating.

"Jason," Leo's eyes flickered with fire. "Gaea's here."

*   *   *


Leo was glad Gaea wasn't fully awake, but that only meant one thing.

The earth goddess would be looking for her two sacrifices; the blood of Olympus. And that meant two of the Seven were in danger.

It was just a hunch that Gaea wanted two of the Seven, and not any other demigods; they were the most powerful, so it made sense, but that just meant that two of Leo's friends could possibly die. Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Percy, or Annabeth. Even Leo could be the sacrifice Gaea chose.

There was no telling what the earth goddess would do. And that scared Leo even more. She was unpredictable, and therefore she was going to be a challenge to fight.

After spotting the earth goddess standing calmly at the edge of the battle, Leo slightly panicked, looking around for his friends. He'd found Jason first, and now the two of them were searching for the rest of the Seven.

Though Leo knew, Gaea's defeat would all come down to either Jason or Leo. Maybe both of them together. It was all in the prophecy: To storm or fire the world must fall...

Jason was the storm. Leo was the fire. Gaea was the world. At least, Leo hoped Gaea was the world, and 'the world' didn't mean the literal world.

Gaea came into view again, and Leo pointed her out to Jason. "Look. She's over there."

The earth goddess looked almost nice when she wasn't taunting or killing demigods. Her green dress went down to her feet, splotches of brown and black spread throughout the fabric like it was made out of actual earth. Her black hair tumbled over her shoulder; her eyes were still closed, thankfully, but she was smiling like she could still see everything.

Leo could see Jason pale. "Oh, gods," Jason muttered. "We have to find the others. We have to warn them."

Leo couldn't agree more. "Come on, man. Should we split up? Be faster to find everyone."

Jason shook his head. "Not a chance. We need to stick together from here on out."

"Fine," Leo said. He scanned the battlefield, looking for a familiar face. "There! I see Hazel."

The two took off, racing towards the daughter of Pluto, who was finishing off an empousai. "Hazel!" Leo shouted. Hazel looked up. "Gaea's here," Leo said, catching his breath. "We need to find everyone."

Hazel's eyes widened, but she looked as if she were trying to hide her fear. "Alright. I saw Percy over there. Frank was close by, too."

The next few minutes, the three of them rounded up the rest of the Seven, delivering the unwelcome news. Once they were all together, Leo led the way back to Gaea, who still stood in the same spot he'd last seen her, the creepy smile still on her face.

"Demigods," Gaea's smile widened, though her eyes remained closed. "Such an honor to finally see you, face-to-face."

"Shut it, Dirt Face," Leo spat. "You should've stayed in the earth. At least there, you won't have to face defeat."

Gaea laughed, a sound that did not match the cruelty of her words or actions. "Such bravery, Leo Valdez. But I will wake, and you will be the one to face defeat. All I need are my two sacrfices."

"Something you won't get," Piper retorted. "Give it up, Gaea."

Gaea sneered. "I'm not giving up now; after everything I've worked for to get to the spot I'm at now. You're demigod friends are losing, tiring, dying. All that stands in my way of waking and claiming my spot as ruler of the world are you seven. Two of which will soon become my sacrifices."

"Not a chance, Gaea," Annabeth growled.

"You really think you have a chance to fight me and win?" Gaea taunted. "I'm the goddess of the world. No matter how powerful you Seven think you are, you will still fall. But, please, be my guest. I'm warning you, fighting me is signing your will."

Leo took a deep breath, glaring at Gaea. "I. Don't. Care." He could feel the fire burst to life on his palms. "Gaea, you've messed with my life for as long as I can remember. You killed my mother, sent your minions to shoot down my metal dragon, and have made mine and my friends' lives miserable. I don't care how futile our efforts are; I will fight 'till I can't fight anymore, and I'm sure all of my friends feel the same."

Leo could see the rest of the Seven nodding, agreeing with Leo's words. Every one of them was glaring at Gaea, clutching their weapons tightly.

"Guys," Leo said tightly. "Let's show Gaea who she's been messing with all these years."

With that, all Seven charged the goddess of the earth.

They didn't care they could die; they didn't care that Gaea planned to use two of them as sacrifices.

They just fought, doing what they've been doing all their lives.  

They were the Seven, the most powerful of their generation.

Nothing was going to stop them now.

A/N: Love that ending :)

So this is kind of short... But the updates will be coming quicker now. The Blood of Olympus comes out in just over a week. A WEEK.

That means I have a week to finish this. There shouldn't be too many updates left, since as you can see, Gaea has arrived. O.O

Dedication goes to... @Blue_Dolphin_! Congrats! And thanks to the rest of you for commenting!

QUESTION TIME: What did Jason say 'Festus' meant in Latin?

Comment away!


[Updated on September 29, 2014]

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