Chapter 4: Winter To The Heart

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Peering out a window, I had noticed the snow padding the ground. Though welcoming at first, it instead brought a heartless scenery to the outside, decorating the sky in grey and spears of snowflakes jutting down to the ground in frustration. Winter had not only came to nature, yet also to my heart.

Getting used to walking on a brace had been like learning to ride a bike. Yet instead of two wheels, more like one and a half. I trotted down the halls keeping my eyes glued to the balance of my own feet until the faint sound of a radio in a room drew me to it like a moth to a flame

"- of the investigation of four people missing all in the same night. in other news, most schools have been shut down from the snow, these schools include"

My ears instantly tuned out the long list of schools, instead bringing its' attention to the Windows once again. I assumed the guards took this as a day off, by the abrupt splitting sounds of the roof almost breaking by one of the guards sledding off the roof and into the snowy hills below. Some jumping into the blankets of snow, and others throwing snowballs at one another. It made me smile by the sight of someone's sense of joy. It felt rare.

I longed to feel that again. I missed the people in my life I had forgotten. Digging out these memories made my mind pound. Waiting with my friends on chilly Black Friday mornings in lines for 10$ microwaves you can only find hidden in a clothes section. Building series after series of snow tunnels and igloos with my siblings. Playing card games after supper with the family, arguing about what card game was better to play. I haven't realized until now.... That they miss me.. Just as much as I miss them.

Closing my eyes, placing my hand over the condensation of the window, My eyes brought my mind back up and over to the door. If I can't escape through my strength or skill, I'll get out through my words. Striding to the door, I knocked on the wooden surface, waiting for the voice I feared most.

"Come in" it answered blandly, bringing my palm to the cold surface of the knob, I opened the door to find his eyes brought over to papers instead of the person he let in. "If you're here about the security, plans are cancelled due to the snow" he tiredly gestures his hand over to the covered window "so go do whatever" he closes, waiting for me to leave. He brings his attention up to me annoyed by my still movement, yet quickly changes after inspecting that it was me.

"Oh. It's you. Well," he pauses, bringing the cigarette out from his mouth "the same to you then, unless you do want to spend time with me" he chuckles "I.... You act like I have nothing better to do-" "because you don't" he taunts smirking at my suspense "You act like I don't miss the people outside of these walls!" I bite, breathing faster than I did when I entered, tears knotting together in my sick tired eyes. "I-I miss my family... My friends-Just please... Please at least give me one call" I beg, drawing closer to his desk in desperation, combing my fingers through threads of my hair.

He takes a moment, sitting back in his chair avoiding the piercing eye contact. "Aren't you a hypocrite" he chuckles softly haulting me in a confused state. "Acting like you're the only one that hasn't missed people. The only one that left friends and family for these walls. And the one time I get something.... Finally something that gives me life..... They want to leave. " he laughs to himself pathetically, looking back over to me as if begging for a lingering comfort, yet I don't hesitate to lash back.

"At least you have a brother! At least you have someone to keep yourself sane in this place" I argue "And... I don't keep you sane?" He questions, snapping his aura to a polar opposite, looking up to my eyes, almost hopefully. "Anything but it" I sneer, he sighs, taking my phone out of his pocket, reaching it up for me to grab. "...thanks.." I say about to take it, before he snaps it in two like a pencil, all the hope and respect that almost formed disintegrated. "If you don't like me, then you'll just have to get used to it sweet cheeks." He spitefully sneers back, chucking the remains of the phone across the room.

I stood quiet, letting the atmosphere ice over, observing every movement in the room, "how do you expect me to love someone with no heart?" I ask, "a shell of what was once someone I cared about" tears pricked the edge of my eyes like icicles.

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